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Jon Norris

The Book of Everyone's Farting Snowman — Wish anyone a Merry Christmas with some festive flatulence

We've been called many things over the years, but childish is probably the most frequent and accurate commentary. A Christmas without some naughty giggles is a Christmas not worth having, so add your own message and send this on to your most immature friends.
Jon Norris
The perfect holiday greeting for your friends and colleagues who have a childish sense of humour. Hours were spent selecting the perfect toot to ensure universal giggles. A vast render farm was employed to ensure near-perfect snow cloud / fart blowback physics. What more can I say really? It's a snowman that farts and you can add a personalised message to the end and send it to your friends. A fun bit of festive silliness - enjoy!
Jason Bramley
Perfect way to celebrate someone you really care about!!!