Hey Product Hunt 👋,
I'm Jay and I'm the creator of The Book Bot.
I use Readwise to sync my book highlights from Kindle and to take notes from physical books.
I wanted to share my book highlights from Readwise with my Twitter audience so I built a Twitter bot that grabs a random highlight using the Readwise API and posts a tweet after making a picture out of the highlight.
I then ended up creating a product so you can do the same thing.
Having The Book Bot publish my book highlights to my Twitter feed has improved my Twitter feed. It's nice to come across your book highlights while scrolling through Twitter.
Check it out and let me know what you think! Any feedback is appreciated.
@school_4_ants I should have clarified. Twitter api has a limit of how many tweets you can make within a window. Until I figure out a way around the rate limit I can only support 100 users.
@rowemore Thanks Rowe! I've been playing around with the Twitter api and building side projects and bots. Since I'm a Readwise user I thought I'll connect the two!
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