Dan Edwards

The Best Year Club - A commitment to making 2021 the best year ever.

2020 has been.. a lot. The Best Year Club wants to help make 2021 the best year ever. The concept is simple, we want to get as many people as possible to do one good deed every month through the whole of 2021. That's is one simple good deed a month.

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Phil Bennett
Thank you so much Dan for hunting this, much appreciated. Sat here a little fed up in lockdown in Berlin, for a while I’ve been trying to work out how I could make things a little better for the world in 2021. And then I thought about committing to do one good deed a month to help someone else in 2021, and then considered if I could get a few more people involved it will multiply. For example at the time of writing this, we have 61 people committed which means that AT LEAST *732* people in 2021 will be the recipient of something positive. Imagine what could be achieved with 100’s or a 1000 users :D So I quickly put together the site with Laravel Jetstream. Would love to get people thoughts and feedback. Obviously, this idea works better if I can get a little more traction with people sharing the idea with others, so any great ideas on that would be really helpful!
Dexter Ferguson
@phil_bennett Love this idea! It's such a simple and elegant product. I would love to create a group and share amongst friends. Really excited about this.
Phil Bennett
@dexterferguson Hmmm, interesting idea. The framework I build it on has a 'teams' functionality out of the box, so adding groups would be super easy. I will have a think over the weekend and see if I can get something simple up and running.
Dan Edwards
2020 has been WILD. What has been amazing however has been seeing how generous and kind we can all be to each other during tough times. I love the idea of doing a good deed a month and sharing this with others to inspire them to do the same. Great work, Phil!
Claudia Herbert Colfer
I love this idea! I think 2020 has been rough for all of us but this concept will lift everyone's spirits, together.