@adrienmoret np. it's a really cool app. I have had an issue though, where the same song has played again after finishing (so each song playing twice) a few times.
@_jacksmith yes for now songs are in repeat mode to make sure people go to the next song by swipping, but we're changing that and we are working on a "radio mode" which will play songs one after the other even if you have not swipped the song when it's finished.
@adrienmoret ok. the current methodology confused me. Also, the music stops playing if I lock the phone, is there any way to have it keep running even when the app is not in focus (ios) ?
This new, revamped version of 'The Best Song' looks really solid, with a totally re-worked UX.
New to this latest 1.5 release:
- New user experience, with a unique-scrolling-menu and amazing music stations.
- Fresh content everyday, directly from Soundcloud, Spotify and Deezer.
- Swipe songs from cool medias, music experts or from your friends
- Celebrities profiles including Kalheesi (mother of dragons), Don draper (Creative director), Barack Obama (Official) and many more...
- Full songs for all or new tops
Great app. Found some nice new tunes in a few minutes of listening. While I like the Tinder-style UI, I have one suggestion: I want to be able to like a song without skipping it. If I like it, I want to continue listening to it! A couple different ways you could achieve this:
1. If I don't skip a song, assume I like it.
2. Have two different gestures for liking and skipping a song I like. Tap heart to like but not skip, right swipe to skip?
@hrishio Hello Hrishi, actually we're working on this at the moment, we're preparing what we call the radio mode where the users you can just listen to the songs as a radio, and tap heart when they want to keep it
Hello Hrishi, actually we're working on this at the moment, we're preparing what we call the radio mode where the users you can just listen to the songs as a radio, and tap heart when they want to keep it
@serge_lubkin Thanks fo your feedback! You can delete songs in your playlist by sliding them left normally. If it's not working tell me and I'll tell it to our dev and we'll fix it!
@adrienmoret Looks awesome and promising. However, nowhere on the website is mentioned that it integrates with Spotify, Deezer, Soundcloud etc. It's a bit confusing.
@robertvhoesel Hi Robert, thanks for your feedback, and you're right we'll add this into our website, we thought is was too technical to put it in the features on the website, but it's mentioned in the app every time you check options for a song.
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