25+ Growth Hacks (Updated for 2019)
Josh Fechter
THE BAMF BIBLE 2019 β€” 30+ growth hacking case studies for 2019

THE BAMF BIBLE 2019 is a compilation of the best growth hacks we've tested using the most cutting-edge marketing tools.

This is the complete recipe book (500+ pages of how-to tactics). Please note that it does require a Messenger optin (that means you need to turn your Adblock off and use Google Chrome to access).

Josh Fechter is pushing the boundaries to educate all kinds of companies adopt growth hacking, giving and giving the best quality education without expecting anything in return. Thank you so much, Josh Fechter!
I am definitely interested in looking at this. However, the decision to go with only 1 way of acquiring this resource and choosing that to be Messenger may have been a mistake. πŸ€”
Josh Fechter
@arintoker what I've found is many Product Hunt people like to use fake emails so that's why I use it.
@joshuafechter but with this logic you also close yourself off to non-fake email users who want a copy but don't use Facebook products!
Vaibhav Sisinty
@arintoker Growth Hacker / Marketer not using FB? Do they exist?
@vaibhavsisinty Yes they definitely do. I would say it's naive to believe that Facebook is a requirement for growth.
Josh Fechter
@vaibhavsisinty @arintoker I'd say you can learn a lot from Facebook's platform. A lot of growth techniques I've applied to LinkedIn and Quora were stuff I learned on Facebook first
This looks good, but only through messenger?
Vishal D
Looking forward to it... certainly hoping for great insights and tactics to reach customers
Osman Erdi Balcıoğlu
Just Crazy! Amazing work and effort! 100% Growth Hacking formulas!
Abhilash Jain
This is great, thanks for sharing @joshuafechter
David Braun
When Josh published the book, this is no brainer - just go and vote and get it. Then get a great bottle of wine, kick all kids out somewhere and read with a pen and paper. Always worked for me, highly recommended.
Fabien Rochette
no link to download ?
Vikram Patankar
Hi Josh, Download through messenger didn’t quite work for me. Sent you an email. Looking forward to reading your work. Thanks πŸ™
Hector Fuentes
Thanks @joshuafechter This is absolutely gorgeous! Can't wait to read through.

Not for the faint of heart.

You can use the strategies directly out-of-the-book or tweak it to your liking.

I've used the previous versions as well and have been happy with the results.

Try out a few methods - you'll be shocked (and delighted) with their performance.


Want unique, creative strategies to grow your business and slay your competitors? The BAMF Bible is your secret weapon to success!


You snooze, you lose! Seriously, if you don't implement these tactics ASAP, some of them will stop working in a few months (or weeks).

Josh Fechter
Sarosha, you're awesome - thank you so much
Ilya Azovtsev πŸ’Œ+πŸ€–=πŸš€
OMG, gonna start reading it... NOW! Thanks a lot @joshuafechter !
BBC Waste
This highlight of the year. When you get one of Josh's books lock your door, sit down and learn. The man's a genius. The pages are laden with gold.
Nguyen Nguyen Khanh Tran
Great work!
Oleg  Lanovenko

Thak you Josh!!!


Thak you Josh!!!


Thak you Josh!!!

Josh Fechter
Thank you for reading

The BAMF Growth Hacking Bible will bring anyone biblical returns if they use it,


Josh Fechter is the Growth Hacker of the year in 2018.



Josh Fechter
hahahaha so good
Andreas Achatz

You should DL this outstanding Book! woohoooo


the Bible - No more Words!!!



Josh Fechter
Appreciate it brotha!
Alan Savage

These could be used as standalone tactics or customized for your specific circumstances.

Feel free to reach out for any specific questions.

I've used the previous versions of the BAMF bibles for the last couple of years and highly recommend them


BAMF Bibles are my secret weapon when I need to jump start any new campaign. This is the FIRST place you should look - proven method,


Hate that these methods are so out in public and it's "easier" for some platforms to "ban" or "soft ban" the tactics. Use immediately!

Josh Fechter
Thanks Alan!
Saleem Ahrar
you are truly amazing @joshuafechter Applied your Facebook hacks this year successfully and still I am getting extremely valuable results. Thank you, once again!
Josh Fechter
Hey everyone, I have spent the last couple of years creating one of the largest growth hacking communities, Badass Marketers & Founders (23,000+ members). This is a compilation of the best growth hacks from the hundreds we've tested - all of which work today. I spent many hours updating the entire book to ensure you can use all of them. Plus, it has 9 new chapters + video content as well πŸ˜‰ This is the complete recipe book of growth hacks (500 pages of how-to tactics) covering all the latest tools from Phantombuster to Jarvee to GrowthLead. -Facebook -Affiliate and referral -Events -LinkedIn -Quora -Backlinks -YouTube -Instagram -Cold Email -PR Hacking -Product Hunt -Content Marketing -Growth Hacking Tools It's received excellent early feedback from many people we respect, and we hope you'll check it out. Please note that it does require a Messenger optin (that means you need to turn your Adblock off and use Google Chrome to access) *If - for some reason - the button doesn't work for you, please email josh@joshfechter.com* Thank you
@joshfechter how do I get it? The link is bringing me here to PH, but not link to download.
Josh Fechter
Peter Song
r @joshuafechter josh i sent you an email, i also messaged you on messenger but got no responses. How can I download this ebook?