25+ Growth Hacks (Updated for 2019)
Josh Fechter
BAMF BIBLE 2018 — Top growth hacks used in 2018 (Updated for 2019)

THE BAMF BIBLE 2018 is a compilation of the best growth hacks from the hundreds we ran in the last twelve months - all of which still work today.

This is the complete recipe book of growth hacks (400 pages of how-to tactics). Please note that it does require a Messenger optin (that means you need to turn your Adblock off)

Roland Ligtenberg
@joshuafetcher Always releases amazing content - must take a look at this!
Roy Povarchik
The messenger bot isn't working :(
Josh Fechter
Hey everyone, I have spent the last couple of years creating one of the largest growth hacking communities, Badass Marketers & Founders (20,000+ members). This is a compilation of the best growth hacks from the hundreds we ran in 2018 - all of which still work today. This is the complete recipe book of growth hacks (400 pages of how-to tactics) -Facebook -Affiliate and referral -Events -LinkedIn -Quora -Backlinks -Instagram -Cold Email -PR Hacking -Product Hunt -Content Marketing -Growth Hacking Tools It's received excellent early feedback from many people we respect, and we hope you'll check it out. Please note that it does require a Messenger optin (that means you need to turn your Adblock off) *If - for some reason - the button doesn't work for you, please email josh@bamf.media.* Thank you
Travis Page
@bamf @joshuafechter Your Facebook group is hands-down the most valuable group I've been in for years
Josh Fechter
@travispage Thanks Travis!
Josh Fechter
@kjosephabraham thanks man! Love the kind words :)
Konstantyn Kononenko
Thanks for the great book, guys. I love it
Gian Pepe
Thanks for including my article on 2018 Instagram Marketing Magic #blessed You should check out my latest article; "How to Become Instagram Famous by Working Backwards from 1MM Followers" https://jumpermedia.co/how-to-be...
Buzz Bruggeman

Again, early in my review, but so far first class work.


Lots of great content


none that I have have found yet!

Triantafyllakis Saki

I have been following Josh for the last 1 1/2 year and all these growth hacks have helped me generate more leads and sales and develop my B2B sales skills. I am so excited that I can use new ones and try and see what works best. This is a no-brainer for every sales professional.


All the latest hacks to grow and scale your business as fast as possible


Wish there were even more of those hacks! I am more focused on B2B sales so I would like even more use cases on that (Linkedin, Email, etc)

Henning Sillerud
Is anybody else experiencing problems with downloading the book? I tried to connect with Messenger, but didn't receive a download link.
Henning Sillerud
There seems to be a bug in Safari that interferes with the download process, but it was able to get it using Chrome.
Braunson Yager
Sounds good but how do I get this? I see "Success! View it in Messenger" but then it just opens my messenger windows with my own messages? I tried clicking 'Get Started' with the Josh Fetcher user but it just says "This person isn't available right now"?
Josh Fechter
@braunshizzle Just replied via email
Juho S
Great content Josh. As a general note for other near-future publishers: Many of us are very hesitant to login to anything with Facebook login after the Cambridge Analytica episode, twitter login would be ok though.
Savvas Zortikis

Josh taught me how to generate leads at scale through Linkedin through social selling. I've already used some of these tactics and work like charm!


Super actionable tactics almost nobody uses


Can't wait for BAMF Bible 2019 :)

Christopher Sherrod
Is nobody creeped out by chapters with titles such as "how to get the personal emails of your competitor's Facebook group members"?
Nachum Kligman
I have been in online marketing and Internet start-ups for more than 15 years. I have seen them all and learned from them all. Never have I seen someone rise up through the ranks as fast and as awesome as Josh. Besides being a super nice guy, one of the keys to his success is that he jsut constantly gives. And it's not like he gives a little and then asks you to pay for the good stuff, he gives you the Good Stuff! For free! All the time! He is a class act and his firm will be in the top 3 media firms in the next 2 years. Guaranteed!
Josh Fechter
@kligman Thanks Nachum!
You really can't opt people in to a subscription without their consent though -___-

Be updated and be a bad*** marketer!


Best insights and hacks



Matt Harney
Only a bit through it but sweet resource. Here is a hack for any of your clients that need the right users to post reviews - https://appealie.com/saas-review...
Anfernee Chansamooth
@joshuafechter delivering the goods yet again. Looking forward to digging into these growth hacking updates for 2018.
Igor Gorbenko

First they say they'll send it to messenger

Then you receive a message in messenger asking for your email address

Wouldn't be surprised to receive an email asking for my phone number


None so far


too much data to share for it

Ben Kazinik
Wow Igor, you're silly. Did you read the thing yet? Have you read their previous work? I read some of BAMF's blogs and they are absolutely spot on and stellar.
Josh Fechter
I will ask for you phone number too :) jk Hope you enjoy the read!
Nick O'Neill
Great guide. However you should segment these hacks into ones that are allowed by Facebook terms and ones that risk your relationship with Facebook by violating their terms.