Sean Kelly

Pt. 2: How $11k Wrapped in Bacon Helped Build a Mobile Gaming Hit-Factory - w/ Scopely’s Jason Weiss

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Sean Kelly
Hello PH Community - Here’s part two of an interview we shared a few days ago, featuring a conversation with Jason Weiss, the former GM and current advisor to Scopely. In part two, Jason talks about a subject that many leaders shy away from – failure. At Scopely, failure isn’t a dirty word. Far from it – at their weekly all-hands, the company recognizes the “Fail of the Week,” during which a team member describes a major mistake he or she made in the past seven days. The point isn’t to call out mistakes, but to acknowledge that failure is part of the process and to share the lessons learned. According to Weiss, a healthy relationship with failure should be a part of your culture, particularly at growth-oriented startups, where big risks are critical to success. Jason dives into this and a whole lot more in this fascinating conversation. We hope you enjoy it. Comments? Let us know!
Ben Tossell
@seanpk I send you a DM on twitter. Please check it :)