Sean Kelly

Awesome Office - How to Live Like an Essentialist - Essentialism author Greg McKeown

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Sean Kelly
Product Hunters, I can’t WAIT to share this one with you. It might sound crazy, but success can be a catalyst for failure. Don't believe me? Just look at Silicon Valley. The Valley is filled with companies made up of small teams who experience meteoric, seemingly "overnight" success by getting really good at one thing. But with this success often comes an overabundance of options - these companies suddenly have the enviable problem of too many opportunities. As a result, they say yes to everything, and make a millimeter of progress in a thousand different directions - but no real progress on any one task. Unfortunately, individuals can fall into the exact same trap. Luckily for us, there's a solution - Essentialism. In this week's episode we sit down with Greg McKeown, the author of the New York Times best selling book Essentialism, which is all about helping people in the "disciplined pursuit of less." Through his writing, speaking, and consulting, Greg helps people find their unique abilities and highest leverage activities, and use them to transform their work and their lives. Greg had a ton of captivating stories and tactical advice - everything from how to create a one-page "life design," to the tale of the man who said no to Steve Jobs (and why Steve respected him all the more for it). Like this episode? Share it with a friend!
Emil Shour
This was one of my favorite episodes, thanks for sharing Sean!