The Art of the Fail - An unfiltered podcast focused on failure
A long-form podcast hosted by Kristian Borghesan and Chris Buttenham. We have un-edited conversations with entrepreneurs, innovators and anyone interesting that will sit down with us. The conversations are real, raw and unfiltered while addressing their f*ck ups, hardships and failures.
Obie for Chrome
Obie for Chrome
No one really talks about their failures online. As entrepreneurs, we hear many success stories but never know about the struggle and mistakes that accompany it.
One would think talking about failure would be awkward...nope! The hosts are absolutely charming and ensure the guests are comfortable sharing their stories.
I'm excited for more episodes and seasons Chris and Kristian :)
Pros:Very real & raw! Hosts are super cool and have interviewed influential entrepreneurs. The conversations are deep and thought provoking.
Cons:None - give it a listen! It's unlike any other podcast.
Obie for Chrome
Obie for Chrome
I subscribe to about 8 or 10 podcasts, but this is one of the few that I always make time to listen to. Chris and Kristian are more than just a couple of stud-muffins that are easy on the eyes (for all you single ladies and gents out there - another reason to make time for the YouTube version of the show), they're like two old business souls using this podcast as a vessel for delivering the wisdom they've collected on their journey though the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. These guys share the far less glamorous parts of being an entrepreneur, but remind us of all the reasons why so many of us just have to give it a try.
Pros:Guests have diverse business backgrounds and the guys ask intelligent questions. The format is good and the sound quality has been solid.
Cons:I'd like to hear some more rapid-fire or word-association type questions to the guests from the hosts.
Obie for Chrome
I would definately reccommend this podcast to aspiring entrepreneurs. Also, even if you are a fellow 9-5er valueable lessons can still be learned. The guys are light and funny at appropriate times tp keep the conversation fun and easy to listen to.
Pros:Great business talk that keeps it real. I'm really impressed with the chemistry of the hosts.
Cons:I wish the content was daily, I would consume it all!
Obie for Chrome
Obie for Chrome
This is a great resource for anybody who's hustling to create something. We all have failures and setbacks... this podcast is a reminder that those who succeed know how to get back up and keep hustling.
Pros:Always interesting and often funny
Cons:None really
Obie for Chrome
Obie for Chrome
Pros:Tough to pick a favourite episode!
Cons:Still thinkingβ¦
My favourite thing to listen to on my way to work.
Pros:The best conversations you'll hear. So original and innovative.
Cons:None at all!
In a world where a lot of people shy away from failures, this topic is an important one to bring to light. This podcast shows how every major success from each guest was made from many of their past failures that created the core of what made them successful.
There's an art to it and in today's world this podcast brings a refreshing take on an old subject.
Pros:Great hosts & even better content
Cons:Perhaps audio quality could be better