Hey PHers! We built Thankuu because asking for new business referrals is kind of awkward and yet referrals are often the best source of new customers. So Thankuu makes it easy 😉.
How it works: You create a Thankuu page for your business and define an amount you are willing donate to charity for each referral that becomes a customer. You then share your Thankuu page regularly (on email sigs, blog posts, social media etc) telling your customers you’re giving to charities of their choice when they refer new customers. Your customers then leave referrals via your Thankuu page and they tell you which good cause they want the donation to go to. You then track and communicate successful/unsuccessful referrals via Thankuu.
After initial testing of Thankuu, we found a benefit to users was that they could gain referrals without directly asking for them. Having their Thankuu page regularly visible to existing customers was enough to gain referrals.
There is a separate purpose of Thankuu which is to help businesses donate more by aligning their growth with their giving, but that's a whole other subject 😊.