PDFpen is the ultimate tool for editing PDFs. Break the scan / print / sign / fax cycle. Do it all paperless style. Add text and graphics. Make corrections. Redact sensitive information. Number pages. Whatever you need.
The new PDFpen 8 enriches your PDF creation and editing experience. Make audio notes you can record in-place. Access file attachments. Sign documents with digital signatures, so you can send and receive PDFs with a greater degree of trust than ever before. Export to Microsoft Word without the need for internet access.
Learn more about PDFpen at: https://smilesoftware.com/PDFpen
All about what's new in PDFpen 8: https://smilesoftware.com/PDFpen...
Learn more about Digital Signatures:
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Not sure if I am missing something major, but it looks to me that Apple's preview app does 90% of the offered functionality already? In preview, I can annotate, sign, fill in, re-order pages, mark up, leave notes, etc, etc.
@andreasduess well, there is OCR that Preview doesn't have. Not sure how well it works (Abby Fine Reader is the absolute champ in this area on the Mac as far as I could see; works really well with different languages but is expensive and a resource hog). As far as third party pdf apps go I use PDF Expert (the iPad version of the app is my favorite pdf app on any platform) just for the tabbed interface that works really well in full screen and in split screen with a writing app. Preview does most things, other apps add some selected features, and make the existing ones more accessible.
Here are some things you can do in PDFpen but not Preview: OCR. Export to Microsoft Word. Redact text, including Search & Redact. Correct existing text in a PDF (i.e. fix typos). Sign PDFs with digital certificates. Record and listen to audio attachments. View file attachments. Number pages. View PDF portfolios. Measure distances.
Here are additional things you can do with PDFpenPro: Create fillable forms. Create PDFs from websites. Export to Microsoft Excel and PDF/A. Add file attachments. Create PDF portfolios. Set document permissions.
For more on PDFpen, see: https://smilesoftware.com/PDFpen
For more on PDFpenPro, see: https://smilesoftware.com/PDFpenPro
PDFOpen is a good PDF editor. However, it is not that easy to use. I prefer LightPDF more since it has a very intuitive page. You can try it here: https://lightpdf.com/