Chris Messina

Whole Foods Market Bot - A bot to browse and search for recipes — even using emoji

Top Hunter

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
I kind of hoped you could like take a photo of an item/it's barcode in the store and send it over Messenger to get more information or recipes... I wonder if that's coming or possible?
Adam Crouch
@chrismessina problem is bar codes are mainly on packaged food. Produce and other ingredients often don't have any barcodes to read 😕
Matt Galligan
@heyadamcrouch @chrismessina Computer vision would work pretty damn well in this case. Somewhat limited corpus of possibilities.
Jeff Jenkins
@chrismessina Keep your fingers crossed. We are hard at work.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@jeffmjenkins sweet! Would love to read up on any early learnings or your design process for how you arrived at what you launched!
Jeff Jenkins
@chrismessina done. see below
Adam Crouch
This is really well done. I could see it being really useful for "I have these 4 ingredients, what can I make with them?" situations
Raffaele Colella
@heyadamcrouch I am using it this way and works really well. First I said I have pasta, tuna and tomatoes and sent me some recipes. Now that I said the past is linguine is advising spaghetti. My italian bias suggests still linguine but it's pretty close!
Jeff Jenkins
Hi! Jeff here from Whole Foods. To answer a few questions: 1. What led to the bot? --We always want to innovating and meeting our customers where they are. We had two key insights. A) Customer are always messaging/texting in store. Asking their partners or parents which type of peanut butter to buy, etc. B) People are looking for inspiration in store. They wonder past a gorgeous piece of salmon on sale and wonder what they could make. In fact ~50% of recipe searches come in aisle/store. So when you pair those two insights together, outcomes our first and most compelling use case. 2. We wanted to keep the use case as simple as possible as our POV that keeping a single use case in chatbots at the moment makes for a more compelling product. We also didn't want to spam you everyday with a recipe. There are some spammy bots out there. We like to think of this as another way to have Whole Foods help you in the kitchen or store when you want not when we deem appropriate. Thanks for all the support. Hope you enjoy and please if you have any feedback, we'd love it!
Georges Duverger
@jeffmjenkins Hi, Jeff! I'd love to talk to you more about the Whole Foods Market Bot. Is there an email you can be reached at? Thanks, and congrats!
Snah Desai
much yes
Jacob Miller
Neato! I think this could really take advantage of "Hints" instead of only buttons to reduce multiple cards for the same request. Also being able to type more phrases would be nice. We made that switch in our bot here:
Uri Eliabayev
Cool bot :) i found a bug: when you type "menu" in the help message you get this message: "Sorry, I couldn't understand what you meant. Try selecting an option above."
Hunter McKinley
This is amazing. Would love to help turn this into a full-blown app
Shuvo Khan
Sarah Nadav
Maybe it is a bug? This bot went mental when I asked for coconut curry. It didn't respond and then all of a sudden started sending me the same group of recipes over and over again.
🚀 Pierre-Henry 💡
Don't use much FB Messenger... but still like this idea! Good job!
Jimmy Page
I enjoy the facts that there are so many options available
Jimmy Page
Currency and finances are both hot topics