Aaron Taylor

Ask Elon Musk Bot - Chat one-on-one with Elon Musk

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Gabriel Lewis
FinallyI can tell people Elon is my mentor. 😜
Daniel Rubin
I would love to introduce Elon Musk Bot to @boredelonmusk!
Aaron Taylor
@danielrubin109 @boredelonmusk Haha that would be so cool
Ben Tossell
I genuinely think that there is a big opportunity for bots and users.... people speaking to a bot of a celebrity. I mentioned it here too How long did this take you to build? What did you use to build it?
Aaron Taylor
I definitely agree! My first interaction with a "celeb" bot was Hardwell which I thought was really well done. Right now I think bots have to rely a bit too much on buttons to lead the conversation, but I tried to have Elon recognize free text questions as well, so feel free to stray from the buttons a bit. And of course it learns as you challenge it. Elon is a quick learner as we know :D It took me a few hours to map it out and think about how I wanted it to work and then a few minutes to implement it. I used http://personify.ai (full disclosure - I work there) which is in closed beta for now.
Ben Tossell
@theaarontaylor awesome! Cant wait to see it launched publicly :)
I'm waiting for the Kanye West version, thanks. :))
Matthieu de Luze
This is pretty cool and funny, congrats on making it 😸 Do it learn automatically or is it static? And if it is, how would you make it auto-learn?
Dotan Asselmann
@matthieudeluze Semi-automatic, we have a semantic parser for all the misunderstood sentences that cluster similar sentences and how many time they asked, then we set them an answer(s) and insert to our "system"
Matthieu de Luze
@dotan_asselmann thanks for the answer, that's a great process 👍 And otherwise how do you select new answers or "advise" to add? Do you crawl Elon's talks / keynotes / press releases?
Dotan Asselmann
@matthieudeluze Yeah! We crawl on Elon's quotes for most of the content and some of it we made up (He's not really from mars :) ) , but that's not what we focusing at. the "Elon Musk" thing is just an example of what our bot creation platform (http://personify.ai) can do. Actually when we release it publicly, everyone would be able to build "Elon Musk"-type bots in a few hours and improve the bot easily over time
Mikhail Ezhov
will it be available for Telegram/Whatsapp ?
Getting advice from Elon Bot answers the age old question, "What if Elon Musk was my long-distance step dad?" @theaarontaylor
Nazarii Sheremet
That is so cool. Now we can tell our friends something like that "sorry I have one unread message from Elon Musk" 😀😎
Tony Ana
Why Mars? Ask Elon Musk: Well, I'm trying to get home... ok top points for that answer!
Cem Carak
This is hilarious actually!
Alex Kehr
Semi-related. This book about Elon is really good: https://www.amazon.com/Elon-Musk...
Sean Wiese
Is this sanctioned or in any way connected with Elon Musk?
Karel Muñiz
Let amateurs and come professionals . For when the Einstein´s bot ?
Shane Gau
I have added your bot to my bot directory: http://m.me/Qwazou
Prajwal Prasad
@theaarontaylor Came across this now during a PH rabbit-hole session. Is the bot down?
Dima Shponny
Didn't know there are so many Elon Musk related products. Crazy guys :)