Hiten Shah

Culture Codes - Company culture decks aggregated all in one place


Culture Codes is a collection of culture decks, core values, mission statements, and more from real companies. In total, these companies employ over 280,000 people around the world.

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Andy Cook
Hey All, Andy here. I put this list together and am excited to share it with you. For some backstory, we started talking about culture and values at my startup, Tettra, this week. I worked at HubSpot for two years and one of the things that impressed me was the strong company culture. It was basically a way to scale decision making a cross the company. At the center of it was @dharmesh's Culture Code. I started looking for published Culture Codes from other companies to share with our team at Tettra for inspiration. Thought it would be helpful to curate them into a list to share with the rest of the community too.
Dharmesh Shah
@andygcook Thanks, Andy for putting this list together. Some great culture code decks in there. And I'm honored that you included HubSpot in the list. Cheers.
Niv Dror
@dharmesh @andygcook Netflix's culture deck should be required reading for anyone working at a startup. ๐Ÿฟ http://culturecodes.co/netflix ๐Ÿฟ
Dharmesh Shah
@andygcook @nivo0o0 Agreed. I'm a HUGE fan of the Netflix culture deck. It is the standard by which I measure all others. Also honored to have spent a bunch of time with Patty McCord (who was co-author of the Netflix deck).
Hiten Shah
Here's an awesome aggregation of culture decks, values and mission statements from actual companies and organizations who employ over 280k people.
Jack Smith
this is a cool resource. Sheryl Sandberg has called Netflix's culture deck potentially "the most important document ever to come out of the Valley.โ€
Andy Cook
@_jacksmith Here's the original article where she's quoted. A good read for everyone interested in Netflix http://www.gq.com/story/netflix-...
Eithiriel DeMerรจ
When I saw this I immediately thought of @Dharmesh and @HubSpot. Happy to see their deck here. :)
Wesley Little
Just read HubSpot's culture code for the first time. Wow, incredible work @dharmesh!
Chris Prescott
Great resource and look forward to reading. However currently getting a database connection error. Still upvoted in advance ;)
Andy Cook
@cpresc Hey Chris, sorry about that. Looks like you witnessed the Product Hunt Effect in action. I just made some tweaks and that shouldn't happen again. Thanks for the heads up.
Chris Prescott
@andygcook Thanks man, this is a great resource and I look forward to watching it grow!
John Kyeremeh
Interesting resource to see why culture matters ๐Ÿ“š
Sergey Pirogov
Wow! Really fundamental work! Like to see NASA :D
John Fowler
This is awesome, thanks :D
tom meagher
Great work! Side note: so glad this is not called Culture Stash.
Andy Cook
@tomfme We considered that name among a few others, but landed on Culture Codes. Happy with it and glad to hear you like it too :)
Dave Gerhardt
Smart move @andygcook.
Parker Woodward
Is the site down? Getting: Error establishing a database connection
Andy Cook
@parkerwoodward Looks like Product Hunt over loading the server. Ratcheting up the power now. Sorry about that.
Andy Cook
@parkerwoodward Should be back up now. Super sorry about that.
Lucas Parisi
Manish Shahi
Useful! Brilliant job.
Amardeep Singh
Amazing work! Thanks.
Jacob Bรธtter
"Just another WordPress site" - Maybe time to change the WP tagline ;-)
Andy Cook
@boetter Good catch ๐Ÿ˜… Noticed that this morning and changed it.
Andy Cook
@boetter The Facebook sharing links should be fixed now too. Thanks again for the heads up.
Benjamin Malartic-Ardange
Awesome collection ! Definitely the go-to place while thinking about writing down your own culture
Charlie Even
Same here, cant reach the site...
Charlie Even
Andy Cook
@charlie_even1 Looks like the West Coast waking up overwhelmed the server. Just upgraded it. Should (hopefully) be better now.