Tom Moor

Tesla Model S for Kids - Replica Model S with swappable battery

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David Carpe
hah - waiting to see the first mechanical hack and motor swap, could easily get a real case in there and get 25-35mph with some work
Noah Kim
@passingnotes followed immediately by millenial tech employees holding mini-Model S races and starting mini-Model S racing leagues ;)
Vance Lucas
Finally I can afford a Tesla!
Nicolas Garnier
FOR KIDS? Hm, I don't think so, I want one too!
Jaime Macias
These are going to sell out.
Ben Tossell
I mean, I still want to have a go in this!
Joelle Alcaidinho
I can imagine my dog driving this. I'm sure he would be a better driver than many humans with the exception of when he spots a squirrel.
Nathalie Lays
Considering the price of the adult model, I was expecting a less reasonable price ... Santa is at risk of having his hands full with this one ;)
Paul Davidge
This is brilliant! My kid is only 4 weeks old but I even think I'd like this for myself....
Jennifer McDonald
For children, you can choose something easier) To buy quality and tested products, I advise you to read reviews and testimonials. It makes a choice easier and purchase more enjoyable. Here I always read reviews of products that interest me. So far, all the toys I've bought through these reviews fit these descriptions. I am pleased, and so is my child.
Drew DePriest
I would Luigi Death Stare in this thing so hard.
Nathalie Clément Bouteille
My kids/husband will go crazy... :) Hopefully we have a huge garage. How much ?
Kelvin So
How can I get one in Hong Kong?
Fantastic to have this for kids