Bjoern Zinssmeister

Startup Security Program by Templarbit - Security practices & tools required to close large deals

The Templarbit Startup Security Program is focused on helping you and your company put in place the security practices and tools that are required to approach and close large enterprise deals.

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Bjoern Zinssmeister
Hey ProductHunt community 👋, since founding Templarbit a bit over a year ago we have worked closely with large enterprises and many startups on their security initiatives. We have noticed that startup teams, working on b2b products, that are trying to sell to bigger companies often face a security review process during their sales motion. We have helped many founders get through this process by reviewing security questionnaires and coaching them on policies and tools. We would like to help many more founders. That is why we have compiled the lessons into the Templarbit Startup Security Program. What you get: ⭐ Everything you need from a security perspective to close enterprise customers ⭐ Security audit on your web apps, APIs and endpoints ⭐ Security for sales workshop that helps you navigate questionnaires & requirements ⭐ Templarbit Enterprise license to cover your AppSec needs It’s free for companies that apply and qualify.
Derek Lo
Templarbit's Startup Security Program has been incredibly helpful to Py. They have been necessary in helping us close key enterprise deals. Rather than paying expensive lawyers or contract security firms, Templarbit has provided us FREE infosec security questionnaire reviews and has even helped us fill them out without us having to touch them. Bjoern is a friend, so I'm biased :), but this seriously has been critical for our team and has saved us non-trivial $. If you are selling software to companies > 400 people and don't have a dedicated security team, it's a no brainer for you to apply to this program.