Billy Chasen

Telly - A virtual theater with voice chat


Telly is a virtual theater that works by putting in front of any URL. Share that URL and watch or browse the internet together.

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Billy Chasen
Hey everyone! We've been beta testing this a bunch the last few weeks and would love to share it and get your thoughts. You can sign up with the invite code: ph. I'm also here for any questions or comments!
Alamo aka 狐狸
@billychasen can I install it from homebrew?
Billy Chasen
@shellehs no, but I'll look into adding it there!
Ryan Hoover
I'm into this. :) I know you've been beta testing this so it's early but curious what use cases are emerging so far, @billychasen?
Rishi Tripathy
@billychasen @rrhoover Ones I've personally used it for are the classic (watching YT, Netflix, etc) together (typically small groups) I see potential for this to touch 'private screenings' of products/videos and demo days as well. I think the default on push-to-talk is really valuable.
Billy Chasen
@rrhoover yes thanks! multiple people mentioned wanting to watch sports together and also use it for old school DJ parties :D There's some dance moves in the app to help support the latter! Browsing youtube with friends is the most obvious one.
Elias Lankinen
For those who miss the people talking behind you during a movie.
Sreeram Venkitesh
Amazing idea! Are you planning to add support for other operating systems too?
Billy Chasen
@fillerink I'd love to, but it depends on traction. I need to first make sure people are using it before taking the time to get onto Android and Windows
Tia Edwards
What happened to the product? I loved using this with friends.
Tristan Viney
I'm a big fan of this! Congrats @billychasen. Definitely going to stream the next GSL final in here with some mates 🤓
Billy Chasen
@tristan_viney 😍 thanks tristan!
Kyle Kesterson
Turntable, Chill, and FlickMob were pioneers, ahead of its time! The VR room approach is an interesting angle, curious to see if it can eat some of FB Watch Party’s lunch.
<3 <3 <3
Ponder Chan
stupidest product i've ever seen
Griveau Adrien
hey love the idea. How can I get an invite code?
Billy Chasen
@griveau Check my top comment :)
Will Martin
Very interesting Billy. Getting some Turntable vibes with the avatars and stage setting! How are you handling latency? All the major sports streaming players are launching "watch together" features, so I can see a huge opportunity in this, even post covid lockdowns. With live streams, latency is crucial so curious to know how you handle that. Far too many games have been ruined by group chats announcing a score 10 seconds before I get to see it!
Billy Chasen
@willpmartin Thanks! Live stream latency could definitely become an issue and I haven't tried to fully solve it yet. I essentially say to all people "play this now." So playing should be near instantaneous, but individual internet connections could potentially change the timing.
Gopikrishnan Mohan
How do I invite people to a screening? @billychasen
Billy Chasen
@gopikm On mac, press tab and there's an "Invite Link" button (you might need to redownload to see it). On iOS, there's an Invite button. You can also always send a url, like:
Momcilo Popov
This is super sweet!
Billy Chasen
@momciloo Thanks!
daisuke osada
This is The User Experience !
Vladimir Vlasov
Awesome app! I've been dreaming about collaborative online watching since 2012. But I've never thought about a voice chat in it. And the virtual theater idea is wonderful. I very like the idea of sharing sessions via links. Great job! I only can say that in my opinion, the sign-up menu requires a few touches. Also, it will be great to have support for Android and other desktop OS besides macOS.