Chris Messina

Telegram 10 - Colorful calls, Thanos snap & an epic update for bots

Top Hunter

Telegram's 10th update of 2023 adds improved calls with a colorful new design that use less of your phone's battery, a new vaporize effect when you delete messages, the largest bot update in Telegram's history – and more.

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
There's a lot in this update — and it seems like Telegram doesn't get nearly enough coverage in the US tech press...

December 29, 2023

Bot API 7.0


  • Added the classes ReactionTypeEmoji and ReactionTypeCustomEmoji representing different types of reaction.
  • Added updates about a reaction change on a message with non-anonymous reactions, represented by the class MessageReactionUpdated and the field message_reaction in the class Update. The bot must explicitly allow the update to receive it.
  • Added updates about reaction changes on a message with anonymous reactions, represented by the class MessageReactionCountUpdated and the field message_reaction_count in the class Update. The bot must explicitly allow the update to receive it.
  • Added the method setMessageReaction that allows bots to react to messages.
  • Added the field available_reactions to the class Chat.

Replies 2.0

  • Added the ability to reply to messages in other chats or forum topics.
  • Added the class ExternalReplyInfo and the field external_reply of type ExternalReplyInfo to the class Message, containing information about a message that is replied to by the current message, but can be from another chat or forum topic.
  • Added the ability to quote a part of the replied message.
  • Added the class TextQuote and the field quote of type TextQuote to the class Message, which contains the part of the replied message text or caption that is quoted in the current message.
  • Added the class ReplyParameters and replaced parameters reply_to_message_id and allow_sending_without_reply in the methods copyMessage, sendMessage, sendPhoto, sendVideo, sendAnimation, sendAudio, sendDocument, sendSticker, sendVideoNote, sendVoice, sendLocation, sendVenue, sendContact, sendPoll, sendDice, sendInvoice, sendGame, and sendMediaGroup with the field reply_parameters of type ReplyParameters.

Link Preview Customization

  • Allowed to explicitly specify the URL that will be used for link preview generation in outgoing text messages.
  • Allowed to position link previews above the message text.
  • Allowed to choose media size in link previews.
  • Added the class LinkPreviewOptions and replaced the parameter disable_web_page_preview with link_preview_options in the methods sendMessage and editMessageText.
  • Replaced the field disable_web_page_preview with link_preview_options in the class InputTextMessageContent.
  • Added the field link_preview_options to the class Message with information about the link preview options used to send the message.

Block Quotation

  • Added support for “blockquote” entities in received messages.
  • Added support for “blockquote” entity parsing in “MarkdownV2” and “HTML” parse modes.
  • Allowed to explicitly specify “blockquote” entities in formatted texts.

Multiple Message Actions

  • Added the method deleteMessages to allow the deletion of multiple messages in a single request.
  • Added the method forwardMessages for forwarding of multiple messages in a single request.
  • Added the method copyMessages for copying of multiple messages in a single request.

Request for multiple users

  • Renamed the class KeyboardButtonRequestUser to KeyboardButtonRequestUsers and added the field max_quantity to it.
  • Renamed the field request_user in the class KeyboardButton to request_users. The old name will still work for backward compatibility.
  • Added the class UsersShared.
  • Replaced the field user_shared in the class Message with the field users_shared.

Chat Boost

  • Added updates about chat boost changes, represented by the classes ChatBoostUpdated and ChatBoostRemoved and the fields chat_boost and removed_chat_boost in the class Update. The bot must be an administrator in the chat to receive these updates.
  • Added the classes ChatBoostSourcePremium, ChatBoostSourceGiftCode and ChatBoostSourceGiveaway, representing different sources of a chat boost.
  • Added the method getUserChatBoosts for obtaining the list of all active boosts a user has contributed to a chat.


  • Added the class Giveaway and the field giveaway to the class Message for messages about scheduled giveaways.
  • Added the class GiveawayCreated and the field giveaway_created to the class Message for service messages about the creation of a scheduled giveaway.
  • Added the class GiveawayWinners and the field giveaway_winners to the class Message for messages about the completion of a giveaway with public winners.
  • Added the class GiveawayCompleted and the field giveaway_completed to the class Message for service messages about the completion of a giveaway without public winners.

Web App Changes

  • Added the field SettingsButton to the class WebApp.
  • Added the fields header_bg_color, accent_text_color, section_bg_color, section_header_text_color, subtitle_text_color, destructive_text_color to the class ThemeParams.
  • Web Apps no longer close when the method WebApp.openTelegramLink is called.

Other Changes

  • Added support for the fields emoji_status_custom_emoji_id and emoji_status_expiration_date in the class Chat for non-private chats.
  • Added the fields accent_color_id, background_custom_emoji_id, profile_accent_color_id, and profile_background_custom_emoji_id to the class Chat.
  • Added the field has_visible_history to the class Chat.
  • Added the class MessageOrigin and replaced the fields forward_from, forward_from_chat, forward_from_message_id, forward_signature, forward_sender_name, and forward_date with the field forward_origin of type MessageOrigin in the class Message.
  • Improved documentation for the field message of the class callbackQuery and the field pinned_message of the class Message by adding the classes MaybeInaccessibleMessage and InaccessibleMessage.
Kirill Malev
Congratulations with the launch! It always fascinates me how Telegram just ships features every month over the years. And public talks about it way less than the team deserves! Thank you for making our communication easier!
Telegram has been my go-to messaging and group membership app right from the start, and I must say, it has never disappointed me! Kudos to you guys for doing an excellent job! Well done! 👏🚀
Joe Steve ikye
Congratulations on launch! I use it more comfortable and better than before. And add some new function in it, I use it every day.
Nikhil Gadhesariya
Tornike Tsiramua
Congratulations on the launch, well done!
Nolan Burke
Congratulations on launch!Telegram 10th be more funny and suitable to us. I use it more comfortable and better than before. And add some new function in it, I use it every day.
LULA Presidente
Great project
Congrats on your launch!!
Ivan Eric
Great 👍🏾
Altiam Kabir
Just tried the new update, and the call quality is stellar! Loving the fresh look and the battery-saving feature. Kudos to the Telegram team for continually innovating!
@durov thank you for bringing telegram into our lives
Maha Moussaid El Idrissi
as usual, telegram is always improving. Congratulations on your launch !
Alisher Ishanov
The irony is that the calling feature does not work in the UAE where the company has been operating since they left Russia :)
Alisher Ishanov
@zot I believe it is regulated by TRDA, a telecom body, rather than "not allowed" or illegal, since major b2b providers (Zoom, Teams, etc.) as well as local ones like Botim or GoChat work without a hitch. I think Telegram is mature enough as UAE incorporation to make it happen at this point, but there is no commercial/security reason to do so, IMHO. That is why it was ironic. It'd be great to hear @durov thoughts though.
Sergei Zotov
@ishanoval yeah, there are 17 legal apps for internet calling, and they share their data with the government TRDA just maintains this process of registering those apps and storing the data, but they do not do it just because the telecom provider decided to do it, it's the government's idea Telegram generally prefers to provide privacy to their users, not to share their data with the government, that's why they can't be used for this inside UAE
Sanyan Sharma
Congratulations on the launch of Telegram 10th! It's not just an upgrade; it's also more entertaining and tailored for us. With new features and the largest bot on the Telegram platform,Great idea!!
Guillermo Mejia
congratulations, it works very well, I loved the idea you had when developing this app
Salar Khan
great 👍
bian xiaomeng
harshana geeth
Congrats Team Telegram 10 on the successful Producthunt launch!. I am genuinely impressed by the exciting design features showcased in the release.