T-shirts for tech superstars
Craig Barber
Techstarrr β€” T-shirts for tech superstars
Craig Barber
We all love t-shirts right? πŸ˜ƒ I have always wanted to create some shirts but have never been inspired enough. Well the inspiration finally came and I have made them. Today I quietly launched a t-shirt brand called Techstarrr. The idea for the t-shirts came from the way everyone is referring to startup guys, tech guys and entrepreneurs as β€˜rock stars’. I thought why not combine the tech and the rock/pop star world? On a t-shirt. Hell yeah! πŸ‘Š Taking iconic band logos like AC/DC, KISS, Daft Punk and Public Enemy and appropriating them to feature popular tech terms. Boom. Techstarrr was born. Check out them out, so far I’m kicking off the collection with 4 different designs in a few different colours. More to come. Rock on! 😎
Tori Bunte
@craigjbarber Echoing @ryanmurphy here - I don't get why its so wildly difficult to take an inclusive approach to their products and messaging from the get-go. You automatically alienate a significant portion of potential revenue sources by perpetuating the "tech guy" concept. They're not the only gender building and contributing to tech products.
Craig Barber
@stttories Sure, fair point. As with any new product development you have test your stuff with the most likely market first. If you get traction you can always expand your product to suit other markets. In this case, it's not even about 'guys and tech' it simply comes down to the fact that guys buy more t-shirts.
Tori Bunte
@craigjbarber still think you're missing the point. the problem isn't the design, and i wear and purchase plenty of tshirts and tanks - largely from streetwear brands so I'm paying $40 a piece. i'll pull directly from your intro: " the way everyone is referring to startup guys, tech guys and entrepreneurs as β€˜rock stars’."
Craig Barber
@stttories Hey Tori, thanks for taking the moment to give some much appreciated feedback. Okay, so you're referring to my copywriting? Sure I did reference just guys in the copy. There's a whole bunch of women in tech doing awesome things, this is undisputed. As noted in my previous comments the biggest market for this product in particular is guys, so I made reference to them in the copy. I tell you what, if any of the Techstarrr shirts are to your taste, I will make that particular one and upload it to the shop. Just for you : )
Craig Barber
@stttories womens shirts added to Techstarrr range πŸ‘πŸ˜€
Craig Barber
Thanks for all the support and feedback guys. Much appreciated, rest assured you'll be seeing this stuff around soon : )
Staying true to tech, men's shirts only.
Craig Barber
@ryanamurphy Hey Ryan, guys buy more t-shirts. When's the last time your sister or your girlfriend has come home with a new t-shirt whilst shopping? πŸ˜‰
Craig Barber
@ryanamurphy womens shirts added to Techstarrr range πŸ‘πŸ˜€
Joris Brabants
Can you make an example for Xpenditure? ;)
Craig Barber
@jorisbrabants No custom made stuff at the moment but thanks for asking!
Marc Marius Mueller
I love that UI/UX shirt... So tempting ;)
Craig Barber
@muellermm Thanks Marc! great to hear : )
Craig Barber
@muellerm yeah totally, wanted to... will keep thinking on that one : )