I've been watching @sarahlane’s coverage of tech since the days of TechTV and the Screensavers (shoutout to @leolaporte and @kevinrose). She recently joined TechCrunch to lead their video content, starting with their first daily show, Crunch Report. Yesterday they debuted their first episode, covering Instagram’s new app, Layout, a bionic arm, and Square’s $Cashtags.
Sarah - there’s a lot of video content covering tech already. Why make Crunch Report? (I ask this as a fan and avid consumer of this type of content)
I think @jackosutherland's right. Not only is the velocity of the river on TC really high, the general velocity of daily tech news can be overwhelming. @sarahlane and @techcrunch are headed in a good direction with Crunch Report, summarizing the important stories of the day.
Disclaimer : I'm three stories above @techcrunch and, being @crunchbase, we're kinda cozy.
@kfreytag do you watch or listen to any other tech shows or podcasts? I've been a longtime viewer of This Week in Tech, This Week in Startups, Tech News Today, and Foundation.
Hey Ryan, thanks for submitting... and thanks everyone for the kind words! I love TechCrunch and the freedom they're giving me to try new things. Having a ball. Keep the feedback coming, I'll be listening.
I also have enjoyed the stories coming from TC for awhile now. I appreciate that they decided to put a human voice to the overview of tech stories for the day. This is much better than a daily Facebook post that is hard to locate at the end of the work day!
This seems like a solid medium between blog posts and podcasts and I am not complaining! Thanks @sarahlane!
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