Teammate 3.0 - Find or organize pick up games, team sports and tournaments!


Teammate 3.0 improves Teammate by allowing for the creation of games and tournaments for a wide variety of sports!

Tournament types include knockout (elimination) and leagues (round robin), and both allow for the tracking of stats like goals scored, or fouls to allow for golden boot and fair play awards. You can even schedule friendly games!

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Hello ProductHunt! The original Teammate launched here on ProductHunt some 3 months ago and blew my expectations with how warmly it was received, thank you so much! Today, we're announcing Teammate 3.0 which improves teammate by keeping track of how you play. Friendly games, tournaments and stat tracking all add to a friendly competitive atmosphere, while still allowing you to communicate effectively with your teammates! You can view individual stats, compare teams head to head, and much much more! There's also been a re-design, centered around Google's update to Material Themeing. You'll notice expanding floating action buttons, well placed used of elevation and rounded corners, and a very intuitive and easy to reach bottom navigation drawer! All these in a cohesive software experience that is bound to improve your recreational leagues of semi-professional sporting and team based activities. Teammate is designed to help you connect, coordinate and collaborate, and Teammate 3.0 helps you and your team do that, just that much more. 3.0 is currently available on Android, with iOS soon to follow. Hope you love it! TJ