Peter Green

TaxDrop - Get your taxes done in 10 minutes


TaxDrop is a mobile app that connects you with a licensed CPA who prepares your tax return. Snap, upload, done. BUT EVEN BETTER--Connect your bank account to have all possible deductions scanned and identified. Future updates will keep coming until we can gather ALL your tax documents for you too. Yes to hands-free!

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How is it better then taxfyle?
Alice Cheng
@idenis_s Hi Denis! Thanks for your question! I've also written a response below to @jacqvon on how TaxDrop is different. Ultimately, unlike other tax solutions out there, TaxDrop was built by actual tax preparers, who are consumers at the core too. It's through this unparalleled experience that TaxDrop is different. TaxDrop's goal is to automate tax season, not to merely serve as a 3rd party marketplace for accounting help. In 2017 with all the tax options out there, filing taxes still feels painful and is still a lot of work for something that gets done the same way every single year. So app update by app update, users can look forward to TaxDrop not only filing their taxes, but doing all the work leading up to that too, until tax season becomes truly automated. Starting with connecting users' bank accounts to TaxDrop (using Plaid, the fintech API that big parties like Venmo/PayPal, TransferWise, Stripe run on), TaxDrop will already have and be able to identify deductible expenses. Less paperwork for you!
Jacqueline von Tesmar
Hey @_alicecheng, Tell us more about this app and why it's better than what's already out there?
Alice Cheng
@jacqvon Hi Jacqueline! Unlike many tax apps out there, TaxDrop was built by a team with actual tax experience (I'm a CPA in New York with experience from individual taxation to a specialty in international tax planning/restructuring). The existing app and future versions were and will be created from this unparalleled foundation. Knowledge of the tax prep process allows us to further automate tax season for both the consumer and tax preparers. Existing tax solutions make consumers feel like they're diagnosing themselves via webMD and hiring a preparer still has a lot of pain points. Automation is key for this annual, repetitive, and tedious tax process-- so we're doing the work for the consumer. Starting with scanning and identifying deductions from bank statement transactions during the entire year and ending when we've successfully automated the consumer's entire tax doc collection process. We already have paying customers. You can invest in TaxDrop on Republic if you want to be part of our success! We've already raised close to $40k on our equity crowdfunding round on and anyone can get in early on this idea :)
R Umar
the max cost is $350? is that super complicated returns too?
Alice Cheng
@raja__umar Hi Raja! Thank you for your question! The 3rd tier bundle you see starts at $350 (aka the super complicated returns category). We are updating our website soon to include more pricing details, stay tuned! :)
Tony Brix
Android app?
Alice Cheng
@tonybrix Hey Tony! No Android yet, looking to have Android available next year! But also building a web portal for everyone to use for this upcoming tax season. So if you don't have an iPhone/iPad, then that might be for you!
Matt Wyndowe
Great idea. Want.
Andrew P. Hill

I'm excited that my employer may be able to work directly with systems that tether into TaxDrop to provide automation all the way from income to the tax preparation process.


The APIs and direction of growth which will turn my time as a recurring customer into an investment.


TaxDrop will need to meet and exceed the utility of competitors currently in the market space, and then provide superior customer service.

Michael Goldstrom
Do you do self employed peoples’ taxes or work with quickbooks self employed? Could someone give access to pull from that and/or mint?
Alice Cheng
@goldstrom Hi Michael! Thanks for your question! TaxDrop will prepare self employed tax returns, as well as any other small business return. We don't have a formal bookkeeping service in place at the moment, but are trying a few things with some clients. If you're interested too, please email me at I'd be happy to help :) Quickbooks allows multiple users to access the account (via Add Your Accountant, etc), but I understand Mint doesn't allow multiple users. Sharing your Mint summary manually is always an option!
Scott Whitaker
doe it help you work with CPA's who have specific experience? For example CPA's that deal with multiple state/saas/drop shipping? I use a US CPA who is very familiar with our business and at times still have difficulties sorting things out
Alice Cheng
@scottwhitakernz Hi Scott! This is specific for sure-- I'm quite familiar with the concept of drop shipping. TaxDrop doesn't have anyone who specializes in only this per se, but if you would like to talk about your business over a brief call, then we could see if TaxDrop would be right for you. I'm happy to help if you would like to reach out, you can email me at