Eithiriel DeMerè

Tapglue - Build a Facebook-like news feed into your app in no time


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Norman Wiese
Hey Product Hunters, we're excited to be on Product Hunt today. Thanks @nikkielizdemere for posting Tapglue. Our mission is to bring the power of social networks to any app with ease. The Tapglue platform helps you to make your app more sticky, engaging and viral. With our powerful RESTful API and an open-source iOS SDK (Android coming soon) you can build a social news feed into your product in no time. We’re striving to create a true plug & play experience and handle all the complex things in the background, so you can concentrate on creating a great experience for your users. Feel free to shoot questions at us! :-)
Kumar Thangudu
@normanwiese Norman, this looks awesome. How did you guys come up with the idea? backstory?
Sven Lenaerts
Hey guys, cool product. What inspired you to make this?
Norman Wiese
@svenlen Thanks! :) We think the metric you need to get right in order to develop a successful product/app is retention. You can not grow your user base if your product is not sticky. We're strong believers that one of the most powerful ways to hook your users and achieve strong retention rates is to create a network in your product. We've built successful networks before and know how hard this can be from a conceptual and technical perspective. That's why we decided to start Tapglue and are now abstracting the solutions to many of the challenges you'll face when trying to build network effects into your product.
Özgür Celebi
I’ve worked with Tapglue in the last weeks to build my social newsreader app Venn Read http://www.producthunt.com/tech/... and it was really easy to use. I don't now how much time it would have taken me, if I would have build the social backend by myself. What are you guys planning next?
Norman Wiese
@tristancelebi Hey Tristan, I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed implementing Tapglue. A big focus for us in the next weeks is to make it even easier to get started with Tapglue. Drop-in UI components, an Android SDK and Success Guides will help with that. Looking at the bigger picture, we'll expand our platform massively to enable apps like Venn Read to provide a more meaningful, personal and relevant experience. For example, you'll be able to deliver smart content recommendations to individual users based on their preferences, behavior and interactions with your content. Stay tuned, there are great things in the pipeline. :-)
Ed Shelley
I've been following @normanwiese and the Tapglue guys for a while through their beta period, super interesting product for businesses trying to add a social element to their app! @normanwiese: what about the "empty room" problem - does Tapglue address that it some way? I think that's a large deterrent for many businesses looking to add social functionality to their product.
Norman Wiese
@mr_ed Great to hear that, Ed! I totally agree that the Empty Room Problem, so the lack of initial traction of a new social network / feature, is an immensely important challenge you have to think about. My last blog post actually tackles that topic in detail: https://www.tapglue.com/blog/emp... One could say, we're thinking about this challenge day and night, so we're going to provide solutions to it in both our product and the resources we share with our (potential) customers. :-)
Stefan Bielau
Awesome team and great product. Big probs to @onurakpolat @normanwiese and team Tapglue for gettings this out of the gate. #proudangel
Norman Wiese
@stefanbielau Thanks for the kind words, Stefan. :-)
Sean Wiese
As a non-dev Product Manager this looks like a great solution to some apps where it doesn't need a fully custom backend and can use a service to kickstart. Love it. PS: had to upvote based on @normanwiese name alone ;)
Norman Wiese
@dswiese Thanks, brother! ;-)
Andreas Kambanis
Been eyeing tapglue for a long time for our app Fit Men Cook. Would love to enable users to chat about the recipes within the app, having a comment field for each recipe. Then perhaps a social feed too. Can I check something. As an "admin" user are we able to pin things on the social feed. For example, if we want to put a message out about a new version of the app and we want that to be at the top of people's feeds. Is that option open to us or is that something we'd have to code in ourselves?
Norman Wiese
@andreaskam I'm happy we caught your interest. :-) Your feature ideas definitely sound great. Enabling your users to chat about recipes is not one of the core use cases of our platform. I highly recommend to look into @tomazstolfa's www.layer.com for that. It's a great tool that might be exactly what you need. As for the social feeds, I guess we're the perfect fit for you. It's also possible to leverage something like a "super user" who can post to the whole community. Just shoot us an email to contact@tapglue.com or go through the support bubble on our homepage and we'll get you going.
Dave Branson Smith
Wow. This seems super powerful, and I've already got a great use case for it. I like what you've done by giving devs the ability to customize as well, I'm excited to see how much we can keep the experience ours while incorporating this. With the web splitting off into thousands of tiny but powerful communities, apps built for those community would be toothless without a way to have users continue their communal experience inside the app, and that looks like exactly what you're "tap"ing into 😉
Norman Wiese
@playswithfood Thanks, Dave! Glad you like what we're doing. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the implementation.
Fletcher Richman
How do you guys compare to Stream.io (http://www.producthunt.com/tech/...) in terms of functionality? I'm curious if you guys have found that the value prop of adding social to your product is stronger than scalability.
Norman Wiese
@fletchrichman Hey Fletcher, I assume you mean getstream.io?! :) We really like what the guys are doing and think they can add a lot of value. I think in terms of use cases and functionality we are already a bit broader and put the aspect of creating your own social graph in your product more in the center. As far as I understand, Stream is also more restrictive when it comes to how you integrate them (e. g. only server to server, no client-side implementation - we allow both). Tapglue can scale to millions of users without any problem, our team has done this in the past for companies like Soundcloud or Onefootball. We see scalability as a matter of course and something that is becoming commodity for services like ours. The true value we want to create lies in the "magic" we do on top of the infrastructure. That's why we're very driven by thinking about network effects and how our customers can benefit from them in order to increase retention, engagement and virality.
Vincenzo Belpiede
@normanwiese @fletchrichman are @soundcloud and @onefootball still using you or was it just early on?
I needed a thing like this in my last gig - damn!!
Norman Wiese
@orliesaurus We'll be there next time :)
Robert van Hoesel
Hi @Normanwiese, this looks awesome! Few questions/suggestions. 1) Are you planning on building support for a notification-feed? It sure must be a small step with all this data. 2) What about edge-cases where for example a photo that has been liked gets deleted. Do I solve this client-side, or can I unset events/activities for certain objects through your service? 3) This could be interesting to combine with a service like Segment.io, which we use right now to plug and play several services using the same kind of data (events, users).
Norman Wiese
@robertvhoesel Hey Robert, Thanks for the kind words. Here my feedback on your questions: 1) You can absolutely build notification feeds right now. That's one the core use cases for our platform we're fostering. Please get in touch through contact@tapglue.com and we'll point you in the right direction. :) 2) You can update and delete events very easily. This can happen from the client but also from your backend. If you rather mean something like a dashboard that lets you delete things, that’s currently not planned. 3) Absolutely. We’re looking into these kind of integrations very curiously and would love to learn from you, how exactly you’d like to set this up. We should definitely continue this conversation! :-)
Braden Hamm
Any plans for a browser version?
Norman Wiese
@bradenhamm Good question, Braden! Although we focus a lot on helping mobile products as of right now, you totally can use Tapglue for web products already and achieve the same kind of results. We offer a RESTful API (see the docs here: https://developers.tapglue.com/docs) that is 100% suitable for web products, so we're happy to hear what you guys want to build. Please get in touch through our website if you want to talk about the details. :-)