Samuel Ian Rosen

Tap - The search engine for water

Tap is an app that allows you to find nearby Refill Stations, so you never have to buy bottled water again. You just open the app and within seconds you’ll find the closest place to refill your water bottle.

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Samuel Ian Rosen
Today, our community globally is standing up to corporations like Coke, Pepsi, and Nestle who are earning record profits on selling us our own water while at the same time harming our planet. Join us today in taking a 30 day pledge to stop drinking bottled water and #drinkdifferent. HOW TO PARTICIPATE, INSTAGRAM CAPTION to include: 1. Mention taking the 30-day #drinkdifferent pledge with @findtap 2. Encourage your friends & followers to take the pledge themselves 3. Challenge 3 friends/organizations to join in by tagging them 4. Call to action to download @findtap app (to make pledge easier) At this rate, plastic will outweigh fish in the ocean by 2050, unless we make a change. @findtap has challenged me to be the change. I pledge to #drinkdifferent by not buying a plastic water bottle for 30 days. @______, @_______, & @______, I challenge you to #drinkdifferent! Each person who pledges = 16 bottles saved from our oceans or a landfill. TAG @findtap #drinkdifferent so we can track our progress! Be the change. Drink different.
Ingo Radatz
My use case is to refill during workouts like jogging and cycling. I would look for water fontains and similar public water sources (instead of entering a shop). Unfortunately the app has not a function to add entries. Why not? When the data would be consumable via an API, it could be included in route planning functionality.
Samuel Ian Rosen
@llabball within the next 2 months we will add ability for users to add fountains. and we will have an API in the near future for integration with Google Maps, Strava, Foursquare, Runkeeper, Mapmyrun, etc