Anton Borov

Tangram - Difficult puzzle to play and test your brains


When you are solving the puzzle, you should follow two rules:
1. You must use all the pieces.
2. The pieces must not overlay each other.
First levels are really easy. It will help you to learn how operate pieces and understand common rules.

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@anton_borov I tried to use it. Is it available in English language as well?
Anton Borov
@adityavsc Hello, yes it has english localization. Doesn't work for you? You have android or ios?
@anton_borov works now! had to enable some permissions :)
Anton Borov
The idea to create such a game came while walking around the city. I came across the sellers of these Tangram puzzles, there were a crowd of people near their tables who were just trying to solve them and very few succeeded. I tried it myself and really liked it). I advise you to try it too, starting from level 3 the fun begins. I hope for your feedback in the comments, this will greatly help in the further development of the project. Thank you!
Mountain Heads
I spent 20 minutes for done third level. I hope that I done other levels faster. I think that this good game for train mind and concentration.
Ivanna Wendel
Cool! I love these kind of games ๐Ÿš€
Girdharee Saran
Wow, this looks very neat.
Serge P
Cool game