Hello everyone 👋,
Today, we are launching ReadNext (tales.so/read-next). It’s a simple tool to discover what you could read next, in simple English. Like --
1. Best Books for Launching a Startup: https://www.tales.so/read-next?q...
2. Sci-Fiction book series, like Narnia but in a desert: https://www.tales.so/read-next?q...
3. My toddler was crying all night, how can I help them sleep better?: https://www.tales.so/read-next?q...
4. Books recommended by Naval Ravikant: https://www.tales.so/read-next?q...
This is just a first stab at finding books, better. But I think this could evolve into something.
Can I use ChatGPT to find books? -- Yes! However, with Tales, you can:
a) Find the book using tales.so/read-next,
b) Directly jump into a Podcast about the book, e.g. https://tales.so/book/the-lean-s...
c) Find book recommendations from successful people, like Naval, Elon, Marc, etc.
Please try it out, and leave a comment below on how you think we could make it better! Would love to ship it to make this more helpful for you!
Thank you for reading this far! Let's read something interesting over the holidays!
🎉 🔥 🤘 🚀 🎅
Hey everyone, 👋
Over the years, as life requirements have changed, I feel like my book search has become more dynamic. It's now mostly based on some life situation that I am looking to solve or a feeling that I want to experience after reading the book.
Lately, I’ve been experimenting with some fun prompts on "Read Next" to find the perfect reads—and they’ve been surprisingly spot-on! Listening to quick summaries of the recommended books has really helped me decide if they’re worth diving into.
Here are a few prompts I’ve tried recently. Which ones are your favorite?
Give it a try and let us know what you think!