Johny Miric

Talent Blueprint 2.0 - A blueprint of your talents and character traits


Talent Hero offers a unique, the most accurate, character profiling and talent discovery tool currently available on the market. It's based on Chinese Five Element method, used by emperors thousands of years ago, now largely adopted by business people in Asia.

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Christopher Lee
It's a neat concept, but the first CTA is "order" which has me nervous because when I first land, I'm not really told why it is that I'd want a blueprint of talents and traits. So especially without any sort of trial you'd really have to convince me that it's worth paying for. Hope that makes sense, just my feedback
Johny Miric
@christopher_lee4 yes, thank you for your feedback. We were thinking a lot about approach, and we came to conclusion that we don't want freemium model because we want to target corporate clients, business people and those who are serious about their career, therefore people who can or should be able to afford it. $79 is tiny investment considering that we might provide answers which nobody else can. On our blog one can read dozens of case studies, which gives plenty of information how it all works and what one can expect.
Christopher Lee
@johnyqi Makes sense. I'd recommend maybe featuring the case studies/blog up front, it would help convince me for sure! By the way seeing as you just launched I have a market research service where for $12 you can ask 100 people a question then follow-up based on how they answered and even interview them! You could ask e.g. "How much would you pay for a service that creates a blueprint of your talents and character traits?" Anyway If you want to give it a shot feel free to sign up and let me know which email you used over Intercom and I'll pass you $12 in free credits. Best of luck otherwise!
Johny Miric
@christopher_lee4 will check it out. Thank you.
Johny Miric
And as a special offer, I will make free Talent Blueprint analysis for first three people who comment here.
Johny Miric
@tgerin ok, in that case I would need your date and time (if possible) of birth, and maybe a little bit information about you, like whats your profession, so that I can have more context. And please be aware that analysis will be published here, but I will keep it very general, so nothing to fear :-)
Johny Miric
@vaishak_k Nice, no problem. We would need your date and time of birth, and short information about you, your profession etc., to give us more context.
Johny Miric
@mattie_bennett yes, no problem. We just need your date and time of birth, you can also DM me.
Johny Miric
We still have two places left, some of you didn't provide information yet. So better hurry :-)
Johny Miric
@mattie_bennett yes, no problem, we are extending our invitation to three more. Please DM me your date and time of birth.
Clair Kim

So far so good


Very multi-faceted analysis, lots to take a look at


Nothing I can think of

Johny Miric
I've spent several years researching this particular character profiling method, learned well-kept secrets from top Chinese Masters, determined to optimize and adjust this exceptional knowledge for western people. This method, based on Five Elements, is relatively unknown in western countries, but in East Asia is used by most businessmen, as a go-to tool when they want to check a business partner or hire a new person. Its accuracy and depth of information which one can extract are simply unmatched. The closest competitor is maybe Myers-Briggs character profiling method, but we find it extremely limited and inaccurate. You can compare our method with others here
Johny Miric
Hi everybody, we are extending our invitation for free analysis, please just DM me for more information.