Needed this for a while - As someone who works from home, I struggle with focus and I find techniques like the Pomodoro incredibly helpful. Let's see what this does for my productivity...
Thanks for hunting this Dinesh! Today's been crazy... it got featured on the front page of Reddit and now it's here. But anyways, I made this tool because I hated how a 5 minute break would always turn into a 20 or 30 minute break. So now every time before I check Facebook or go on YouTube, I just open a 5 minute tab and when it closes I go right back to work. It turns out a lot of people have this same problem and needed a simple solution like this. I'm here to answer any questions, and I'd love to hear how you guys think it could be improved or ideas for features to be added!
Essay Generator
Take a five
Succulent Emojis