Ash here from Tablo. Naturally we're pretty excited to be sharing our new product! Tablo has been around for about two years. We're a small team from Melbourne, Australia who love to write and love to read.
One of the things we're most proud of with this new app is the way you can toggle between writing and reading modes. We almost went down the path of creating a separate app for writing and reading, to help us focus on providing a great experience to each kind of user. A lot of our readers are aspiring authors though, and a lot of our authors love to connect with other writers in the community. It was a tricky design challenge - we needed an app designed for both authors and readers in a way that didn't compromise on either's user experience.
Our solution was our compose toggle. When you tap the circle on the bottom right of the app Tablo will invert upon itself, from a dark and warm reading environment, to a white and light writing room. This solution, we hope, provides readers with a clean and warm place to read, and lets writers create their stories in a focused environment, but never complicates or ostracises the user experience.
All questions are welcome. We hope you love the app :)
@photoguides@alexeckermann, Can you tell us about your product?
I've been watching Tablo from the sidelines for a few months now. Ebook self-publishing is a complicated space, and I think they're the clear frontrunner in terms of both design and community - @matt_sven, "A more refined Wattpad" is not a bad way of summing it up, and as a writer that refinement makes a huge difference. As a reader, too, of course - and with Oyster's acquisition, there's a lot of need for a high-quality reading experience that's not coming from one of the existing big players.
@eliservescent This aligns perfectly with what we're trying to achieve :) There's a lot of complication in our industry - a lot of people try to redefine 'ePub' or 'eBooks' and come up with wonderfully comprehensive publishing products - but we think the only thing that matters is discovering really great stories.
There's a big opportunity with the closure of Oyster. We hope that Tablo shines in its simplicity. If you find something great to read, and if a new writer's story is heard, our job is done :)
@arlogilbert Nope we're not related to them (or the Korean rap singer with the same name for that matter). Searching Tablo brings up all kinds of surprises!
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