Mohit Karekar

Sync - Broadcast your content with zero data footprint 🔗


The process of transferring content between multiple devices is tedious. Sync lets you upload photos and speak-to-text on one device and share it in real-time to another. It’s that simple.

Need to send an image from your laptop to your phone? Sync and done. You can instantly share your content over multiple devices. It's real-time and fast.

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Mohit Karekar
Hello people! I built Sync as a side project when I came across the stated problem. Try it and let me know how you find it to be! Cheers! 🔗
Sarah Evans
@mohitkarekar hi mohit. Thank you for making this! I feel like your description doesn’t do this wonderful product justice. I’m taking a guess that English may not be your first language and I don’t want people to miss out on this! I am happy to email you and provide updated web copy for you. No charge. Just want to help out a nice, smart person who built something I will use.
Mohit Karekar
@prsarahevans Hello Sarah! Would really love if you could help! I'll send you my email id. Thanks!
Siddharth Mungekar
I'd like to know the exact problem that it solves. For sharing images and text with other people's devices, it seems like a tedious task to scan QR codes and create rooms with them. Sending these over Whatsapp/email would seem like a lot easier. This technology though could be leveraged in the enterprise space for sharing documents over with multiple people. There could be other enterprise players doing this already, but a better product could still take a good market share. For sharing files and images on multiple of your own devices, I think Dropbox does a good job at this. I believe that the speech - to - text feature seems interesting and could be used for a lot of things. Best of luck building!
Mohit Karekar
@siddharth_mungekar1 My inspiration for building Sync was the difficulty I used to face whenever I wanted to share a quote from Medium or a web link, from my laptop to phone, for text. I used to struggle when I wanted this to happen instantly, like sharing a nice article to someone on Instagram chat (just an example). Speech-to-text feature, I believe, can be helpful while conducting conference meetings or while narrating text for note making purpose. Also, I did occasional graphic designing, and I frequently wanted to share the images I created on Photoshop/web converters to my phone. I used to mail them to myself, or as you suggested, upload them to Google Drive or Dropbox. Gradually my inbox started blowing up in size, filled with the mails including attachments I had sent to myself. I agree, mailing to self keeps a copy on the cloud, but many-a-times I did not want to use up my storage, and merely wanted an instant share and view feature. This encouraged me to add image support to Sync, where there's no data being saved anywhere. Plus, since this is on the Internet, it is remotely accessible (unlike Bluetooth). And you rightly said, QR codes are a bit of a pain. Hence I made the unique ids being generated to be human readable, so that you can just remember them and type into the other devices. To sum up I would say, Sync wins at the 'zero data footprint' part. We generally share stuff and forget that we did, and our cloud storage goes on filling until a point we have to delete some of the stuff. I am planning to add additional features, like other media formats support, seeing the positive response 😃
Krishna De
Nice product idea for sharing information and I can see lots of applications - a few questions/comments: 1 - would love to be able to define a room name before we click connect 2 - how do you delete a room? 3 - how do you delete items in a room if you upload the wrong item? 4. for people in Europe perhaps you can add a privacy statement reflecting GDPR - people will want to know what happens to the content they add to their room 5. details on max file size per item would be helpful including if we can upload videos too 6. How long is a room available - until you close your browser or refresh the browser? This may be a problem if a browser crashes 7. I am working on FireFox and am getting this error message "Hey, it seems your browser does not support voice recognition. Please use Google Chrome or Firefox, or update if using the same" - I am on the latest edition of FireFox on a pc
Mohit Karekar
@krishnade Hello Krishna! Answering your questions in order: 1. Sure, this is an upcoming feature to Sync, where you would have greater control over your room, like customisation, regulations etc. 2. Currently, deleting a room feature isn't available, it is one of the many features which will be added in the upcoming release. To add on this, and also answer point 6 in advance, your room is available as long as you interact, or are actively sharing stuff. It will be deactivated automatically after an hour of inactivity. 3. For now, you can upload single item at a time. To upload a correct item, you can simply replace the previously uploaded item. Item tray is a nice suggestion, will try adding it in later releases. 4. Point noted! Thanks for this. Will do so asap. 5. Currently, there's no size limit per-say, on images. Sync effectively transfers your image. Video support feature is lined up, I would say. 7. Yeah, the Speech Recognition system I'm currently using is a quite basic one. And it's only supported on Chrome for now. I would love to add a better one, later in time. Sync was a side project I started, to solve a simple problem, and the response I'm receiving is quite good! I'm planning to add the features mentioned above soon. 😃
Krishna De
@mohitkarekar Thanks for taking the time to reply. You might want to add a note to the site to say that it works best in Chrome when people want to use the speech recog function.
Krishna De
@mohitkarekar Thanks for taking the time to reply. You might want to add a note to the site to say that it works best in Chrome when people want to use the speech recog function.
Yev Yev
I use telegram with saved messages for this purpose.
Siddharth Mungekar
A good product. Isn't this the same problem statement that Drew Houston used for building Dropbox? I guess it is.
Embrace the digital age.
Great app and simple to understand but all my room name suggestions are being denied
Mohit Karekar
@leslie_nyahwa1 Hey, please try again now. I have released a new version of the site!
Mohit Karekar
@leslie_nyahwa1 glad you like the product! 😃
Its real time 😍
Kunal Panchal
A perfect real time solution !! No more back and forth with emails.
John Foster
can be useful
I Công Nghệ
It Good