stanislas LV

SwissBorg Smart Engine - Access to Binance, HitBTC, LMAX & Kraken exchanges liquidity


Get the best price from multiple exchanges
Our revolutionary Smart Engine takes the guesswork out of investing. By connecting to Binance, HitBTC, LMAX and Kraken exchanges, we can get you the best liquidity and rates in a matter of seconds.

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Chris Bossert
Imagine you're investing in crypto assets and a piece of software is creating (not finding) a trading pair of fiat to crypto, crypto to crypto or crypto to fiat that doesn't exist anywhere on the market for the best possible price! That's the Smart Engine. Not only smart, it's genius! Want to try the Smart Engine live? Download the SwissBorg Wealth App and win up to 100€ in Bitcoin using my link:
Juliénas Galt
Cette application est exceptionnelle, la façon dont elle va chercher en toute transparence les prix sur les différents exchanges m'a changé la vie. Fini, les arbitrages entre les plateformes, les frais qui s'additionnent et les longs délais onchain pour faire migrer mes jetons vers la bonne place de marché. Tout est fluide, rapide et à moindre coût. Testez-là avec et gagnez jusqu'à 100€ :
Crypto Medium
I fall in love with this app. The easiest and fastest way to buy/sell and store your crypto. On top of it you get the best rate available with no hidden fees thanks to the smart engine !
israel okereke
Easy user interface even for notice in the crypto space.
Lê Trọng Bằng
They didn't disappoint me. Finally the Wealth app is released. I have used it and found it to be a fast transaction speed, high liquidity application. And especially the transaction fee when buying and selling currencies is also displayed before the transaction. This is a wonderful thing!
remy delyon
From the moment the Wealth App has been released (April around for France) I simply stopped to use my Exchanges (except for coins and tokens not yet listed within the app). However, I can see that new tokens are listed regularly In the WA (3 new just today :-)! ), and I'm quite happy with that (It has changed my way to invest, as I discovered as well amazing projects thanks to this Wealth Management app. All that I expected. (I dd not mentioned that I'm premium now and pleased to trade several coins and Tokens for free ! Definitively I recommend at least to try and test and you will adopt it quickly ! to win until 100€ in BTC as airdrop, download the app via this link : and follow instructions
Philippe Moisson
Simple, fast and easy to use application to invest and manage your investment. The fundamentals are strong with a very present and dedicated community. One application, 17 currencies and 12 tokens available at the moment.
Greenest Greenest
Really nice looking app that is very user friendly even for novice crypto investors. This is thanks to this kind of app that we will manage to democratize cryptocurrencies and achieve mass adoption. Best rates, lowest fees, best performance reporting, super token analysis, new features coming regularly... In summary it's the best crypto app available.
Sjoerd Kools
Smart engine the next step , its crypto virtualisation, your not depended on one Exchange
Hudson Ferreira
Swissborg's Weath App Rocks! SwissBorg's Wealth App is sleek and easy to use. Their engine searches for the best price execution when you want to invest in Bitcoin or other crypto assets. Going Premium is a no brainer! Trading without paying fees can be a reality! I truly recommend, and if you register here's a referral code, so you can get some free Bitcoin: hudsonGYP4
Christian N'toutoume
Well, money was sitting in my bank with 1.5% interest, if that... I discovered SwissBorg Wealth app, and not only I’m getting value for my money and also am able to trade and invest my money smartly! Best way to get into crypto, with their smart engine, you get the best rate and
Joan Mari Serna
the swissborg platform will be the future. Its simple but at the same time high quality system for the purchase, sale and exchange of tokens makes it ideal to be able to position itself in the market as a platform for the future. its multiple utilities give it a component of versatility that other platforms do not have.
Jérémy NEVEU
Très bonne appli qui permet trouve de façon autonome les meilleurs prix pour les échanges en crypto. L'l'environnement dans lequel le projet évolue et très agréable et la communauté toujours présente pour répondre a toutes nos interrogations. Une transparence a toute épreuve, c'est les must!!! Mon lien de parrainage si vous désirez vous lancé et avoir un pti plus pour debuter.
edoardo calia
I experienced the complexity of entering the crypto world back in 2016, having to deal with poor user interfaces and tens of tools, exchanges and applications. Swissborg Smart Engine makes all this easy, and gives you full transparency on how transactions are handled. The engine executes transactions finding the most convenient exchanges, in a fraction of a second. Definitely worth trying it out. Use my referral link and earn up to 100€ in BTC!
Cyrus Fazel
Really enjoy this amazing software. Any newbie can in few clicks get best rates with best routes!
Nicolas Lechopier
Swissborg est là pour nous aider à acheter/vendre des tokens sur n'importe plateforme et en un temps record, au meilleur prix en toute transparence, l'app est à son début et beaucoup d'évolution son au programme.
The skyscanner of cryptos! easy to use, simple, I would definitly recommend to anyone, beginners or not. The app is also well designed and is really beautiful!
Sam S
Highly recommend the Swissborg Wealth App. It has a beautiful user interface, fiat to crypto (and crypto to crypto) gateways, loads of education and a simple portfolio so you can keep track of your investments.
Pierre M
Excellent le smart engine pour économiser sur les frais de transactions ! Le tout est très transparent et super rapide, il n'y a pas mieux actuellement sur le marché. Merci SwissBorg.
Jesus Solis
The way the application works has really made me fall in love. They work to provide an authentic and reliable user experience. I have been able to learn and be comfortable and that makes me appreciate their design.