Nick O'Neill

Swish - Spotify for sports highlights

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Gareth Wilson
Looks good! Any plans to add _proper_ football? ;)
Ari Litan
@_gw thanks! Yes, we plan on eventually adding as many sports as possible.
Ari Litan
Hey Product Hunters co-maker of Swish here and thanks to @allnick for hunting us! @alwaysbcoding and I are Super pumped to share Swish with you - a sports highlights platform for fans. I'll be here all day to answer your questions and get feedback. The experience of consuming sports content - outside of television - has barely changed in over 100 years despite sports fans using completely different mediums. Most sports apps are not much different than a newspaper article + boxscore from the early 1900’s glued to your phone screen. The content is for the most part unstructured and not searchable. Imagine if you could interact with sports highlights in the ways you interact with music enabled by platforms like Spotify. With music you can browse the top rated songs by genre and artist, create playlists, easily find a song you are looking for, and share these experiences with other music fans. These interactions don't exist with sports. @alwaysbcoding had the insight that tying content (highlights) to precise sports stats we could build much more engaging and unique experiences than what currently exists today, and we set out to do just that by building Swish. Rather than pitch you on all the features, we'd much rather get your feedback on what we could be doing to make Swish better. We're really passionate about making great products and experiences for sports fans so fire away!
Sam Christie
@arilitan hey this looks cool. Curious - why do you have the mixpanel badge at the bottom?
Ari Litan
@samchristie thanks Sam, they give you a few hundred k events for free if you put their badge on your website. We're bootstrapped so it helps :)
Jordan Leigh
Things that have never been done in a sports app before that we do in Swish: 1) Algorithmically generated highlight feed of the top sports plays at any given moment. The feed can be filtered by sport. 2) All video highlights are tied to the stats backing the play which lets you see the score of the game, and all players and teams involved. 3) Real-time highlight feeds of individual games, the best way to see the highlights of a game while it’s still in progress. 4) Custom highlight feeds of players, and teams, that can be sorted by popularity. i.e. you can finally answer the query “What were John Wall’s top 100 plays this season” 5) Natural language search for any play that can return a playlist of matches (i.e. searching for “Steph Curry behind the back” would return every behind the back pass from Curry this season) 6) A unique permalink for every play that happens in a sports game that is created in real-time and can be shared/referenced online. 7) A join table between users and sports plays which lets users save their favorite plays More or less Swish is Ari and I trying to show a better data model for sports apps to be built on top of. A lot of UI / UX stuff still needs to be figured out, but I’m positive the way we built our backend is smarter than anything else that’s out there.
Ben Tossell
I saw @justinkan playing with this on his Snapchat when he was just starting out (before bike Q&A's and Klaus ratings) I thought this looked like a really good idea. Is there filter options to add fav teams and hide ones you dont want to see?
Ari Litan
@bentossell thanks - I'm a big fan of @justinkan snapchat dude is hilarious and was awesome to see him play around with Swish! To answer your question, yes we added an option to follow your fav teams and players and track them in a customized feed. This allows you to effectively filter exactly what you care about. We also released a few other cool features, like interactive game summaries - think Soundcloud meets Twitter Moments meets ESPN.
Nathen McVittie
As a European PHer working in sports, I find it continually frustrating that apps like this continually disregard soccer. The different rights packages etc might make it challenging, but US startups in the sports sector that just gloss over billions of users worldwide to focus on US-centric "top four" sports is becoming laughable. There are reasons, sure, (know your niche) and all that, but I'd be interested to hear why this doesn't feature the biggest sport in the world?
Jordan Leigh
@nathenmcvittie The data model for soccer is significantly more complex than it is for the NBA, NHL, and NFL. The key thing that lets Swish work is that every video clip is tied to the statistical information that backs each individual play, which lets us link each video to the players and teams involved. In order to correctly model soccer you essentially need to model every team in the world, because you have tournaments like the FA Cup with hundreds of participants. You also have things like the Champions League where teams from different leagues will compete against eachother in games. You also have to take national teams into account. If I want a highlight feed of Michael Bradley's best plays from the past year I would have to join his highlights from the US national team with his highlights from Toronto F.C. etc... That's not to say this is impossible to do or anything, if you wanted to tackle soccer, you could start by just modeling specific leagues like the EPL and MLS and ignoring champions league, and national teams and then slowly lacing those in later. However, Ari and I built Swish on our own, with no outside help or funding. So it's more a logistical thing of how much additional work it would be to add soccer than it is a statement about being biased towards US sports. Note that I'm a huge soccer fan, and agree the app would work incredibly well for soccer.
Nick O'Neill
So I met the founder of this company @arilitan months back at my friend's wedding and he showed me the app then. Since then they've improved a bunch of stuff and I thought it was pretty slick especially for those times when you can't watch the entire game. Yes, you can watch a recap on ESPN but this pretty much provides the best interface for scrolling through those not-to-miss moments.
Ari Litan
@allnick thanks again for the post and praise! Thats one of our key use cases. Our users tell us if they missed a game on TV, Swish is the best place for them to find a great recap of it but of course we're always looking for ways to make this better.
Hey @arilitan looks like a great product! I currently follow a couple of accounts on Instagram that post similar content, so now I'm just waiting for Swish to cover football (this thing you guys call soccer haha) to unfollow them! Good luck going forward
Ari Litan
@anthony_abitbol thanks Anthony, we plan on eventually adding the other football. We also post great content to our Instagram account daily, you can follow us there @swishhighlights
@arilitan "the other football", love it! Can't wait for that... Where are you guys based?
Ari Litan
@anthony_abitbol we started the company when we were living in DC and recently moved out to SF mid last year.
Danny Freed
This is great, definitely going to use this. Have you guys run into any copyright issues so far? Do you expect to? Or is it a non-issue since you're just sourcing other people's content?
Ari Litan
@dannyfreed thanks Danny, we source all our content from 3rd parties and don't host any video on our servers. If a copyright holder issues a DMCA take down notice they do so to the site it's hosted on and it's no longer available to view in our app/platform. We typically have multiple video sources for the same play so if that happens (and it does with NFL clips, rarely if ever with NBA/NHL) we can swap it in our system for a new one - usually with an official clip from the league, team, or network page.
Alex Moazed
@arilitan @dannyfreed thanks Ari, any plans to let people in the stadium to post UGC from the game?
Ari Litan
@alexmoazed right now we are focused on providing users with the experience of watching the best plays of the day and summarizing games they missed. Typically videos from TV broadcasts fulfill this use case where as videos from the stadium are geared more towards "what was it like to be at the game". That being said, anyone can submit a video to swish on Twitter using the hashtag #swishio and we plan to add functionality to see all the different videos of the same plays.
Sam Bauch
this is great. watching highlights on the big players like ESPN (web, mobile native, wherever) is such a poor experience these days with the pre-roll ads on every video that are longer than the highlight itself. Would love to see more sports (lets go Mets!) but I can get by on a Porzingis highlight reel for a bit.
Ari Litan
@sammybauch exactly we feel your pain, 30 second ads pre rolled on 6 second highlights drive me insane! That is one of the main drivers for why we built Swish
Neil Jain
This is awesome. Can see this being used in Cricket immediately. Especially because there are so many 'events' that take place in the eternity that is a cricket 'match'. great job
Ari Litan
@neil_jain83 thanks Neil, we would love to cover cricket one day.... Only a billion people care about it nbd
Blake Lawrence
In my role at opendorse, I'm pitched 'game changing' sports apps on a weekly basis from aspiring entrepreneurs seeking promotion from our athlete clients. Most of them are underwhelming and lack true value to sports fans. When @arilitan introduced me to Swish, I was pleasantly surprised -- this is a must-have app for both casual and diehard sports fans. I've used Swish every day since downloading. The ability to quickly view sports highlights and track games in real time is incredibly valuable. I find myself opening Swish instead of the ESPN app, as I'm able go see more than stats -- I can see the game unfold through high quality highlights. I urge you to download this app and find yourself doing the same. Beyond the beautiful user experience, the tech behind the tool is astounding. Ari and @alwaysbcoding have built something special that I believe will transform the way games are watched and shared. This app deserves to exist and should find its way into the pocket of sports fans of all shapes and sizes.
Ari Litan
@blake_lawrence thanks for the love Blake!
Good product — wish there were more european sports :)
Andrew Flynn
Once this gets MLB it will basically be what I've always wanted Instagram, vine, and more recently Twitter moments to actually do for me. Great job!
Ari Litan
@andrewpflynn thanks Andrew, thats exactly what motivated us to build Swish!
@arilitan Really enjoy using your application! I was just curious how you matchup the highlights to the stats? Is this a manual process at this point or are you able to match these from meta data within the highlight content you source?
Ari Litan
@jcauffield glad you enjoy using the app! We developed algos that automate this process for the most part with little manual intervention.
@arilitan Very nice! The product is really well built. So what are your biggest hurdles that you are facing now?
Ari Litan
@jcauffield much appreciated. We're facing any and all the hurdles you would expect any early stage company to go through.
Jordan Leigh
@jcauffield @arilitan Monetization for standalone mobile apps is incredibly broken. You either need to put intrusive ads on it, which will absolutely compromise a product like this. OR get to a large enough scale where you can pursue a more native ads based approach that doesn't compromise the experience. But getting to that scale would require outside investment, and we're on the fence about whether raising VC for a mobile ads based business is a good idea or not. So if Swish is an MVP proof of concept, then figuring out the right path forward into a stable revenue generating business is the challenge right now.
@alwaysbcoding @arilitan Thanks for the insight. This can be a tricky decision and determining the correct business model can be a major factor in whether your business thrives or dies. I love what you guys have done so far and look forward to seeing where you go with it. I have a couple thoughts on where I would see a lot of value add in your product and would be happy to explore those with you. Feel free to DM me on twitter if you would like to talk more.
Samir Doshi
Great product! Great name too -- haha we have an app called Swish - launching next week... hence I had to give you a shoutout for the name.
@AriLitan Looks great, love that you been able to hone into where the attention is. I feel this could be the next evolution of Sports Broadcasting. How long did it take you and your team to execute on this ?
Ari Litan
@roulse thanks Roulse! Swish has evolved through many iterations over better part of the past year. We stared with a web based highlight search engine which then morphed into our mobile app.
Michael Doerneman
This app looks really cool! Any plans to add college sports? I would love to see college football on here!
Ari Litan
@mdoerneman thanks Michael, yes we definitely intend to add college football and basketball in the future - starting with a select conferences
Cool idea. But are you aware of Swish AB, a Swedish mobile payment company? They have a trademark on their name, not sure if it is also an international one, though. Nonetheless, if you're planning to grow in Sweden, your brand recognition will practically be zero since everyone knows the payment company under that name.
Ari Litan
@josef_moser thanks for the heads up Josef, we are indeed aware of them :)
John Courtney
Congrats Ari and Jordan! Loved the early version of this app, and I'm excited to download the latest release!
Ari Litan
@jpatcourtney thanks bud!