Yana Tornoe

Swipes Workspace - One place for team's goals, notes, files and communication

Swipes Workspace brings the pieces of team's work in one place. It's a beautiful app to help teams Plan projects, Discuss ideas and Take action on the priorities. It's that simple. No more 10s of apps to dig in, hundreds of open browser tabs and crazy stream of notifications to react on. Just the Workspace.

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Yana Tornoe
Hi hunters, thanks for having us here! We're super excited to show you what we've been working on for the past 2 years. It's the Workspace - single place to work from with your team. It has built-in communication, notes, plans, and goals of who does what and where are we at. The team and me created this product because as a small company in a growth phase, we were getting massively frustrated by the chaos of work. We were trying to maintain a healthy clear plan of what's going on and often sat in hours-long meetings just to get aligned. We jumped on each and every tool that will help us navigate through assets, people, responsibilities so we had: - Asana, but some didn't like it so they had Trello - We also had Dropbox, but some stuff were stuck in Google Drive because Google Docs was better for online collaboration - We had Evernote for notes, but Paper was sleeker and the designers liked it better - We had Slack with tons of channels, files, and messages buried there because it was faster to get feedback on your work via chat. - And tens of other apps for this & that; You get me! It was a crippling experience of a constant frustration, getting delayed on important things, blaming each other for the misunderstandings and feeling confused about the work. It was impossible to find anything or just catch up on all the places. At one moment, we said that's enough. No more patchwork of tens of tools, integrating bots and gosh what not to stay on top of things. As toolmakers ourselves ( Swipes to-do app, 1m+ users, Webby Award Nominee, featured #1 app on Mac App Store) we set out to create a new integrated experience of teamwork where ideas are flowing, plans are clear and the information is always at your fingertips. Thus, we brought together a bunch of tools that people need most of their time when working: project and task management, note-taking, file storage, communication. We are SUPER excited to show you our product today and bring it in the hands of teams, that suffered from similar to our pains. The team and me are here the whole day to answer any question you may have and jump on discussions, so hit us up. :)
Yana Tornoe
@tomaslau Thank you, Tomas! Hope to make a real impact for teams around the world!
Alex Sumin

Love everything about Swipes


Great UX, nice and neat!


Didn't come across anything

Stefan Vladimirov
Thank you! We took the extra time to "perfect every little detail"
Yana Tornoe
If you do come across something, let us know. ;)
Tihomir Valkanov
Thank you! We've put a lot of care and love into it :)
Burak Can

Great job! Love how simple and powerful it is at the same time. And the design is just delightful.


Simplicity, workflow, design


Nothing so far

Stefan Vladimirov
Thank you so much Burak! We put a lot of care to make the product clean and neat.
Kasper Pihl Tornoe
Really happy you like it Burak. You'd love the stack behind it as well ;) We'll be open-sourcing a few of the cool things we've made along the way. Can't wait to show you.
Yana Tornoe
Thank you so much, Burak! It's a hard balance to hit. That's the 6 iteration of the workspace because we wanted to hit that exact sweet spot - easy to use, powerful at core.
Tihomir Valkanov
Thank you so much Burak! I'm really happy that you loved it :)))) And I am happy that the product is perceived in the way we want to - as clean but powerful!
Ivaylo Yosifov

Good luck guys, keep up the hard work.


Great first impression.


No downsides so far.

Yana Tornoe
So happy to have you & the wonderful Find Me Cure join in!
Tihomir Valkanov
Thank you, Ivaylo!
Alex Sumin
Great job Swipes team - love it!
Yana Tornoe
@alexander_sumin Thank you, Alex! <3
Irem Lopsum
@alexander_sumin Thanks! We've been working hard on this. I'm glad you like it.
Stefan Vladimirov
@alexander_sumin Thank you Alex!
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Kick-arse team with a winning spirit and amazing releases. Nothing but love and good fortune to the Danish-Bulgarian Swiperoos. Best of luck with the launch guys. PS: awesome video!
Yana Tornoe
@lyondhur Thank you so much! Really happy you liked our home-made production :D
Stefan Vladimirov
@lyondhur Hey Lyon! Big kudos!
Steve Elder

I beta tested Swipes Workspace. The app went through several iterations, each one better than the last. The customer support from Team Swipes is amazing and they are constantly updating their app.


Clean lines, simple but also super full-featured, constant updates, graphics make accomplishing tasks rewarding, and so much more!


I know it's coming, but I can't wait to be able to drag n drop to reorder my Take Action items :)

Yana Tornoe
THANK you, Steven! The drag & drop will come and we'll rework the whole section to make it more Swipes personal experience like. :)
Kasper Pihl Tornoe
Steve you are the best! Really appreciate how engaged you always are. Hope the workspace can make the school a better place!
Steve Elder
I forgot to mention something. One of the most beautiful aspects of Swipes Workspace is that it can be used just as easily and usefully as a stand-alone productivity tool as it can as a team productivity/communication tool. And no matter how hard I try, I just can't stop watching that video! :)
Tihomir Valkanov
Thank you Steve! I'm really happy that you are having such a great experience with us :)))
Pablo VL

I've been using Swipes personal on a daily basis and now that I participated in the alpha/beta of the new Swipes Workspace I can tell you this one is a the real deal


Awesome design, simplicity, apps for every major platform, love the UI/UX


None so far

Yana Tornoe
Thank you, Pablo! So happy we can delight you with the new product and build upon your experience with Swipes personal 😘
Stefan Vladimirov
Thank you Pablo! I am so happy that you have been following our journey from the start!
Tihomir Valkanov
Thank you, Pablo! This is warming our hearts!!!
Zdravko Varbanov

So excited for all the work I will do with this platform!


Absolutely clutter free, and combining just the right tools necessary to get the job done.


None so far!

Stefan Vladimirov
Thank you Zdravko! Looking forward to hear about your experience :)
Yana Tornoe
That's epic, Zdravko! Can't wait to be a small part of your progress!
Tihomir Valkanov
Thank you! Can't wait to see how and what you are going to do with the workspace!
Vasil Enchev
Congrats! Looks awesome! And the video was very funny :D
Yana Tornoe
@uffou niceeee! Thanks, Vasil!
Stefan Vladimirov
@uffou Thank you Uffo! We took our time to "perfect every little details" :)
Dustin W. Stout

I was part of the beta testing for what seems like well over a year. Up until it changed so drastically to this current iteration, I was 100% on board. The UI/UX is best in class, but I was totally lost on the project management language being used. It really feels like it's trying too hard to be "different" and thereby sacrificing the ability for people used to working with project management tools/apps to quickly onboard this new way of looking at things.

If it were just as simple as creating projects with Tasks and sub-tasks, it would have been a no-brainer. For example:

- Project

-- Task

--- Sub-task

--- Sub-task

--- Sub-task

-- Task

-- Task

But instead what we're given are "Plan", "Goals", "Steps", "Milestones"... just feels both overly complex and linguistically unintuitive.

As I look at this new iteration, it seems that there is an attempt to help this language gap with the onboarding (visual guide).

It's still just too complicated, taking too many clicks to dig down into the tasks that need to be done today.

I'm also surprised to see there's no way to add dates or deadlines to items. Am I missing something?

I hate to be negative--especially on a piece of software that looks better than any other piece of software I've ever seen (and I don't say that lightly).

At the end of the day, the language choices just didn't make sense to me and I had to abandon it because trying to train myself and my team (US-based) to adjust to this different linguistic choices was too complicated.


UI/UX is gorgeous, cross-platform support is great


The language philosophy creates a barrier

Yana Tornoe
Thanks for sharing feedback, Dustin! We dropped down the Milestones as you were saying and have reworked all sections to be action-oriented: In Plan - you plan the work ahead, in Take Action - you work on goals with your team, and in Discuss - you talk together. It's quite straight-forward but I know you had different expectations to the product from the start. Time is definitely an important element for the product and we will bring it in a meaningful way later on. For now, we will keep it simple with scheduling of goals for This Week or Later.
Tihomir Valkanov
Hey Dustin, Thanks for your feedback! Your words actually inspired me to write an article on the topic why we chose Plan, Goals and Steps in our product. You can check it out here: http://swipesapp.com/blog/to-imp...
Chris Traganos
Plan, decide, and act - that's what's needed to pull real "next steps" from a sea of daily chat. I struggle in other chat platforms with this concept, in fact it's even worse: Instead of one overloaded inbox with 100's of #channels where people can potentially ask "Hey did you see that thing I asked in that group a few days back?". Converting chatter into real next steps in a collaborative way is without a doubt the trend I'm seeing with Stride and others - our team is super excited to use Swipes now!
Tihomir Valkanov
@ctraganos Thanks Chris! Enjoy the workspace!!! :))))
Kasper Pihl Tornoe
@ctraganos you're the best! thanks for all the love. Hope you and your family are rocking in Austin :D Let me know if I can be of any help for you and your team!
Yana Tornoe
@ctraganos Thank you Chris! Much love to you!
Mitko Ivanov
Looks really promising. We expected this tool so long and now I still couldn't imagine it has finally launched. Few words about the launch video: I tried to imagine who gave the idea for that kind of script. It's pretty controversial, super funny.. I would say Stefan and Yana suggested the scenario.... it's their style..hahah. Well done! Following your next step guys!
Tihomir Valkanov
@mitko_ivanov Thanks, Mitko :))) Aaaand you guested right ;)
Yana Tornoe
@mitko_ivanov You're so right, Mitko :D:D:D Very scandinavian humor or as Francesco D'Alessio guessed - Wes Anderson style.
Francesco D'Alessio
Looking forward to reviewing Swipes Workspace on YouTube! Such a big leap for the team! Congrats!
Yana Tornoe
@francescod_ales Awesome! Thank you, Francesco! Can't wait to hear your first impressions.
Heidi Lindvall
I love it! Just installed it on my Mac and can already tell that this will be super useful for us! Great job! Also the video is awesome ;-)
Tihomir Valkanov
@heidilindvall Thank you, Heidi!!!! "...can already tell that this will be super useful for us!" - that is awesome! :)))
Dimitar Nestorov
Shipping an Electron app in a package installer. 🤔
Tihomir Valkanov
@dimitarnestorov Hey Dimitar, if you are talking about the windows application - yes. We are shipping it like that mainly because of two reasons: - that way you can easily find it in the windows applications without doing anything special. - we needed a signed package installer because in some companies that's the security policy that they go for so if we want to be installed on their machines we have to have that. If you know a better way of doing things I'm open to suggestions. I hope this is a good answer for you.
Dimitar Nestorov
@thinklinuxx Talking about the Mac app. https://imgur.com/D7R2311 asking for my password ain't cool. Do it like Mozilla and Google.
Ken Daley

Been a beta user since August. Have used the original Swipes for a couple of years. The team did a great job in beta flushing out bugs and making the product very user friendly. We have about 15 on our team using. Slow for all to adapt. Several use it often - we are still working to make it a common platform.


Elegant interface, great mix of notes, files, plans, tasks!


The plans take up too much space on the view with the big circles. Make it a list with a different progress indicator.

Stowe Boyd
Deadpooled? Various links are 404 on the website