Ashwin Deepak

Swiddle - Create landing pages in minutes, not hours

Swiddle generates mock ups, revisions based on your feedback, an editor (visual or code) to perfect your site and the ability to publish your website with 0 code or export it in React+JS/TS or HTML/JS. Go from idea to a live landing page in under 15 minutes.

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Ashwin Deepak
I spend a bunch of time trying out different ideas and there was one thing I always spent more time on than I should have: the landing page. Oops. When I saw tldraw's demo, I realized what was possible and started working on this. I realize that this is nowhere near perfect but, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did shipping v0.1 :)
Esus 🛡️
Neat one! Does it also generate copy? Congrats on the launch.
Ashwin Deepak
@esus It does and thank you!
Manoj Babu
This is very helpful to create the initial website page.
Ashwin Deepak
@manoj_babu6 Thank you!
Otman Alami
you need a video, those screenshots are not giving any clue, my opinion
Ashwin Deepak
@otman_alami Agreed, thanks for the feedback - will be on the next launch
Dariush Abbasi
Hello. I don't understand why you need the OpenAI cookie, why should I think that this key can't be used any other way?
Ashwin Deepak
@dariubs We'd have to charge if we provided ours. No where on our code or database/etc do we ever store your OpenAI Key. The client (your browser) will prepare a request by taking the key from your cookie each time. It is only ever used for your requests when you request a mock up, revision or a file export. If you clear your cookies, you'd need to set your api key again to use certain functions of the app.
Ethan Xu
Hi there! Swiddle seems like a really useful tool for creating landing pages quickly and easily. I'm actually in the process of launching my own product soon and I would love to hear any advice you have for someone who's just starting out. Also, when I do launch, I would greatly appreciate any feedback you could give me. If you're interested in checking it out, feel free to click the "Notify" button to get notified when it's live. Thanks so much in advance!
Chris Pramana
Super neat work!
Ashwin Deepak
@chrispramana Thank you :)
Kirill Grebenjukov
Congratulation with the launch! Looks promising! But I can't get it work unfortunately 🥲 "Select a mock up" page shows my only empty pages and I didn't see any api calls to openai.
Ashwin Deepak
@kgrebenjukov Looking into it, what browser are you using? Update: patch deployed to production, this should no longer be an issue.
Pankhuri Garg
Congratulations on your product launch. The struggle to create landing pages is real. It takes a lot of time to create good landing pages. Glad to know that there is a tool that will create landing pages with ease. Keep up the good work.
Ashwin Deepak
@pankhurigarg Thank you :))
Congrats team Swiddle on the launch!
Ashwin Deepak
@manmohit Appreciate the support!
Congratulations on the launch of Swiddle! This product is a fantastic addition to the world of web development, especially for those looking to streamline their website creation process. I think you can after the seo direction to consider, after all, landing page, the most important thing is to be able to be searched!
Luca Repetto
Great job @ashwin_deepak in launching Swiddle - creating landing pages in minutes is an amazing solution! I am sure it will be a great success.
Ashwin Deepak
@rep_eat Thanks!
Viswanatha Reddy
Great one Congratulations on the launch.
Nikita Detkov
Great job! What's in the pipeline for your upcoming development milestones or features?
Ashwin Deepak
@detkov just shipped the ability to create link in bios and personal portfolios, more will come soon. I think a better landing page is required (lol the irony) and, we'll also be creating a sick demo. Aside from these, will see how the fire spreads!
Ghost Kitty
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Kim hyunjin
Congratulations on the launch!!🎊
Naveed Rehman
Perhaps, I would like to see so me demos before using it! 🚀 Congratulations on the successful launch!
Ashwin Deepak
@naveed_rehman will definitely ship demos + a demo video