Social Media can be chaotic. We are not.
Michael Kamleitner

The Psychology of Snapchat Marketing — Principles that keep Snapchat’s community going

Florian Dorfbauer
Sounds interesting - I put it on my reading list! Regarding "what tools to use": Is Snapchat offering an API already? I thought there was just a non-public API f. Ads announced at the moment... Would love to learn more
Michael Kamleitner
@fdorfbauer Great question. You're right - at the moment there's only an *announcement* for an advertising API. This API will naturally only allow publishing & measuring of Ads, and it seems it will be non-public (just for a handfull of partners: https://techcrunch.com/2016/06/1...). Still, there are plenty of companies / services working around that Either they're reverse engineering the API, or (more likely) using virtual machines to remote-control the original Snapchat client. There's also quite a lot scammy 3rd party apps in the app stores (not recommend), I've personally tried http://snaplytics.io, they are legit and offer analytics & scheduled posts. Check out the interview with Torben, he's touching on APIs, tools etc.! Looking forward to hear your feedback once you had a chance to look into it!
Klajdi Turlla
@_subnet @fdorfbauer isn't the idea of Snapchat for the users to publish real time spontaneous videos and pictures? I would be very interested how Snapchat feels about this. Also are companies really posting pre-made videos? If so I think they are loosing the point of producing content on Snapchat.
Michael Kamleitner
@klajdi_kl Absolutely agree, from a user perspective pre-produced & scheduled content is not very snappy ;) On the other Snapchat themselves are allowing (or will allow soon) to inject pre-produced ads into the stories-stream... which also will be interesting how that will be accepted by users. It's gonna be interesting! Thanks for your feedback, did you have a chance to checkout the ebook? WOuld love to hear your thoughs!
Michael Kamleitner
In an attempt to help you create successful Snapchat marketing campaigns, we’ve put together an in-depth eBook uncovering the psychological principles that keep Snapchat’s community going, how they affect your marketing strategies and what tools to use. Find inside: - Snapchat’ s features, audience & monetization - The psychological reasons why people use Snapchat - How snapping affects your marketing strategy - Potential challenges you’ll need to overcome - Best practices by big brands - Expert interviews feat. Judith Denkmayr (Vice Alps), Lisa Stadler (derstandard.at) and others! I hope some you will find this useful when deciding weither or not you should get started on Snapacht, weither for your personal brand, startup or enterprise! :)
That's interesting, I signed up! I'm on Snapchat but reluctant to use it as a marketing tool. I still can't make sense of the psychology behind its growth and use cases; particularly given the constraints that it imposes (lack of hot triggers, non-persisted material). I am also struggling with this question: Can you effectively grow an audience on Snapchat or is it better used for retaining your current audience and engaging with them on a deeper level (i.e. increasing likability).
Michael Kamleitner
@elbahnasy Thanks for checking in on our ebook! I hope we can give answers to some of your questions (why are people using snapchat, how/why can brands be sucsessful etc.) Let me know how you like the book? Re. growth vs. retaining: I would definitely opt for the latter - Snapchat, when done well, is a great channel for hyper-engaged communities. Growth will then come automatically ;)
Daniel Taibleson
so there are 154 upvotes but no comments from anyone that's read this...anyone out there think it's worth trading my email address for? I'll be waiting for a real review.
Michael Kamleitner
@daniel_taibleson Probably everbody still reading ;) I'd really appreciate feedback on the content myself! A friend of mine, @luca, did a snapstorm review (in german), follow him at username "lucahammer, the story should be here for another 4 hours ;), luckily he also posted it to YT:
Jayant Rao
Snap has been killing it by targeting the millennials(and other). Snap chat has become the go-to app to look at what people 'are' doing. Facebook used to be a place where we logged in to check what people 'were' doing. We want to know what is happening right here, right now. I want to read a little more on the psychology about users. So this will go into my - 'Read while on a flight' archives.
Michael Kamleitner
@jayantrao I agree, its a phenomenal success for Snapchat so far - and (at least here in Austria/Europe), 2016 seems to be breakthrough even with the "older" crowd (I'm 30+ ;)) I hope we can provide you with some useful insight, let me know what you think afterwards!
Michael Ionita-Ganea
Very good read. I read it to get up to speed with snapchat as I don't use it myself ... yet. Interested is the way they plan to solve advertising on their platform. We are going to watch this super close :) Thanks Michi!
Sunil Kalra
a wonderful product ,, im sure its a great read for all founders that aim for success,,, will def read
Olena Rogozina
Good job, will give it a read
Michael Kamleitner
@olena_rogozina Thanks a lot, let me know what you think :)
Patrick Hoelck
Looking forward to checking this out
Michael Kamleitner
@patrickhoelck Cool - would appreciate a line or two of feedback :)
Rahul Ramchand
Just read the e-book! Bang on point.
Dr. Barbara Ondrisek
Great book! Love it!