Nathan Baschez

SVRF Tabs - Replace your new tab with breathtaking VR/360° photos


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Sophia Dominguez
Nathan-- thanks for hunting! Quick origin story: It all started a few weeks ago when Brent was reading ‘The Power of Habit’ by Charles Duhigg and kept coming back to the idea of consumers needing to build a routine around experiencing VR content. We wanted to build a "non-excusable" VR experience, something minimal, enjoyable that could kick start the new year with a new routine of VR/360. SVRF Tabs is the first Chrome extension of its kind and we strongly believe it is the lowest friction way for people to begin consuming VR/360 content everyday :) Excited to hear your feedback!
Michael Dempsey
VR. all. the. time...Love this. Nice job Sophia, Brent, and SVRF Squad.
The tiniest taste of VR with every new tab! Love it. Bringing VR into everyone's daily life is imperative for our survival and multi-planet inhabitation. right?
Dorian Dargan
I love thisssssss. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Kunal Tandon
This is so awesome! A good introduction for many people who have yet to try VR.
Alex Adelman
Great work y'all!
I'm really enjoying the SVRF tabs -- reminds me of the minimalist beauty of momentum combined with a constant reminder to see what's new in the world of 360 & VR. @sophiaedm any plans to let people personalize for what kinds of content they want to see? Also, where are you finding the content to feature?
Sophia Dominguez
@matthartman The Chrome extension takes into account our content ranking algorithm and calls only the top VR/360 content in from our API each time a new tab is opened :) Many of of the highest rated 360 photos are from Flickr, thus, why you'll see a lot of Flickr 360 photos :) Re: personalization - you mean requesting to see certain types of imagery VS it being random? if so, our earliest iteration of that is to add a search bar.. coming to the extension soon ;)
Will Mauro
Congrats Sophia! Well done :)
Ryan Robinson
Love the rationale behind this project, especially how it relates to your bigger goal. Nice work @hellobrent @sophiaedm!
Greg Moore
Amazing. A bit distracting but well worth it! ha
Really cool! Might just start leaving this up as my screensaver.
Adam Arrigo
Wow, awesome! Can't wait for the webVR version!!
Andy Sparks
Oh man I love this! I deleted Momentum for this. I'm going to miss the inspiring quotes though...
Sophia Dominguez
@sparkszilla thanks for feedback! We will add to lists of requests to test :)
Kim Pham
elan miller
Kevin Guebert
Wow! Beautifully crafted - nicely done @sophiaedm @hellobrent
Ben Broca
Love it! So simple.
Ashley Laurel
Love this!
Cesar Kuriyama
This is my new favorite thing! I love the subtle way it glide pans... prompting me to engage and quickly explore before I do my internet-ing.
Shawn Cheng
Sophia and Brent know how to bring the party. Amazing way to hack at distribution and take advantage of one of our most utilized daily tools... tabs. :) Waytago guys.