Svelte - Cybernetically enhanced web apps
Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app.
I am currently building reactive components and Svelte seems the best choice since it is the best simplest tool for the job. I have yet to find a good reason not to select it as a standard tool in our team.
Pros:- Simplicity - Elegance - Developper experience
Cons:- Editor-IDE integration - Testing / testatbility
I'm working on a desktop web application that I first made in Vue.js, then moved to Mint to reduce complexity of the code, and finally the last two months I've moved it to Svelte 3. The Svelte 3 version is much easier to maintain and expand upon!
Pros:- Very small compiled code size - Great help on their Discord channel
Cons:- Limited third party modules to use
Luma AI
I have been testing it all day and it is really promising
Pros:- mind blowing - validated years of questions I had about react, like "is this really the right way of doing things?" - nice docs
Cons:- still new and needs the community to build it up
I really believe that the future of web frameworks will be the compiler flavor like svelte that output really small js bundles. Even though it is a compiler, it respects javascript and doesn't create a bunch of it's own language elements. It's amazing for building static sites like landing pages. You get nice framework abstractions without the huge bundle size overhead of other web frameworks. The static output is also good for SEO.
Pros:- Simplicity - Super small bundles - Reactivity - Sapper App Framework build on Svelte makes it extremely easy to spin up an app with Svelte
Cons:- No way to build a client-side single page app, have to choose between SSR or static site output
I have to start a new project soon and I wanted to use Vue.js, after reading over and over the svelte documentation and trying it for a few hours, I realized I want to use svelte for this new project to learn about it, I believe this is the future and the future is here.
Pros:Simplicity - No virtual DOM - Easy binding.
Cons:Small community (for now) - Needs more integration examples with third party modules.