Survais is a survey widget for your website. Embed things like YouTube, Spotify, Twitch, Twitter; as well as collect emails, feedback, and provide info & CTAs 😃
@itai_neter Hi Itai.
I had thought about that but ultimately, for now at least, it's not the direction I want to take Survais. I wouldn't rule anything out of course.
A remove branding option might be enough though, which is also a potential future feature.
@aaronoleary Hey Aaron, first off, thanks for sorting out this listing!
So since the first time I entered Survais on PH, a lot has changed. We have completely redeveloped Survais from the ground up (new UI framework too). This means it is much easier for us to extend and add new functionality.
The original Survais had just a simple poll (1 question, 1 slides, up to 5 answers). So basically the whole service is new when compared to the old Survai post.
To name a few things that have been added since the original post:
- Multiple slides (up to 10 now per Survai)
- Email capturing slides
- Feedback capturing slides
- CTA slides
- Information slides
- Social slides (you can embed YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Spotify, and Soundcloud) into the slide
- Completely new theming options
- Option to force hide the Survai on mobile (even more SEO friendly)
- Option to show the Survai, even after the user has completed it (this is useful if you are showing a Social slide only for example) - wouldn't recommend using this if just using the Standard MCQ style slide
So basically everything is new! We update our Blog each month with the changes we've made, and we are currently working on a light analytics integration that shows very high level stats.
Delighted to answer any more questions you guys have!
Hey PH,
Back in late 2016, I ran an information site for students who were studying and intending to do a medical school entrance exam (called the GAMSAT). I had recently done the exam and was a med student myself at the time. I set up this information site because I had a lot of content to share in order to help others get through the exam too.
Anyway, I had a couple hundred readers per month through organic growth; which was cool! However, I had literally no spare time on my hands as you may imagine to write up content. I wanted a quick way to ask the readers what I should spend my time focusing on when creating content for the site. This lead me to whip up an MVP of Survais (looked a lot different back then) over a weekend.
Survais has since seen 2 complete rewrites and I feel I finally have it in a good place, with a great roadmap ahead to consider sharing it to a wider community. I'm very excited about growing Survais going forward.
I'd be delighted if any of you check it out, and feel free to reach out with any questions. In return I'd be delighted to set you up with extended trials (fully featured) of course if you want to test Survais out. I can also add beta features to your account which is kinda cool I guess 😄 - currently working on incorporating analytics into Survais which will be very high level but included in all tiers.
Rambling over, thanks for checking Survais out! Reach me at anytime.
P.S. It is actually kind of an ironic story developing Survais... As I got so into developing it, I have since left my original information site stagnate!
@juanpablosarmi Hey Juan, thank you! Yes, the WP plugin is moving up our to:do list I guess 😂
Currently, we have a very light touch analytics solution developed that is pre-beta so it's not quite ready to be launched as a beta feature yet - but it's a work in progress. FYI, you can get access to beta features by reaching out to me (and I'll enable them on your account) - however, we currently don't have anything that is ready for the beta stage, but we will soon 😉
The analytics solution will be included in all plans and has no additional setup required on your part. Any other questions very welcome!
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