Jeremy Maluf

Supertribe - Professional connections over multiplayer games

Build meaningful professional connections over multiplayer games! Sign up with your background, interests, and favorite games. Supertribe pairs you with new connections each week. Play together, join events & expand your network with the Supertribe community.

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Thanks @jeremymaluf for hunting us! Hello Product Hunt 👋 We’re excited to share Supertribe with everyone today! We started Supertribe because as avid gamers and builders, we wanted to leverage the serendipitous nature of connecting with people over multiplayer games to reimagine the way we network with other professionals. With Supertribe, we wanted to create a streamlined platform that supports a wide range of professional objectives (finding a co-founder or mentor, meeting like-minded folks, connecting with an expert, investor, potential hire) that can be achieved through multiplayer games. You can use Supertribe for 1:1 connections, finding a team to play with, or to find other teams to compete against (e.g. Facebook VS. Google). Our matching capability factors in members’ preferences and interests to ensure a data-driven match! Especially in recent months during quarantine, we’re noticing an increasing need to find new, meaningful ways to socialize & stay connected. We can’t wait for all of you to try it out & would love to hear feedback and questions. -Matt & Tai
Jeremy Maluf
As someone who plays the occasional game at the end of the day and who loves connecting with people in tech, Supertribe is insane. Tons of potential for changing the way we get introduced to new founders, investors, and mentors. You can set your interests and availability and then get matched up with people you want to meet who play the same games you do. Really impressed with what this team has built, leveraging gaming as a commonality to break the ice that can exist in traditional networking
Sydney Liu
Really dig this idea! Congrats on the launch! Can’t wait to play somebody in chess!
Tina Luu
I had the opportunity to participate in Supertribe’s private beta, and I’ll like to say this is a great non traditional way to network. As a casual gamer who only owns about 2 or 3 games at most, their team were still able to match me with several professionals whenever I had time to schedule a play. In fact, I still keep in touch with a few individuals who have helped provide me with advice/resources regarding my professional development. Ultimately, it’s worth a try! :)
Peter Phan
I’ve really enjoyed the new company I’ve met from Supertribe. It’s helped me get in touch with other fellow photographer gamers. I play games a little more casually so the nature of Supertribe has added another layer to my experiences while gaming. The community that I’ve met surrounding photography and other interests of mine have definitely made my nights gaming a lot more interesting and memorable.
Aspyn Palatnick
This looks awesome!
Andrew Kim
Can't wait to find decent teammates in Warzone. Congrats Tai and Matt!
Nick Daley
Great idea! Looking forward to checking it out. Any Fifa players here, come @ me.
So excited for this! I love games and I love hanging out with and meeting new people who share my personal and professional interests that way we can geek out together. Fantastic company!
Elvis Zhang
This looks super helpful! Great work Matt and Tai
Joonas Hämäläinen
No indication anywhere on site that it is usable only for people based on USA. It came apparent only when I was trying to finalize my registration. I would appreciate to see such restrictions immediately, and potentially timeframe when more areas are planned to be opened (if those are plans at all. Not everyone wants to come to EU and follow GDPR).