Che Sampat

SuperPortal - The missing no-code Stripe customer portal - it's free.

SuperPortal lets your customers manage their subscriptions and billing details by sharing a simple link and entering their email. We plug directly into your Stripe account so no changes to your customer are needed to use the service. Plus it's free!!!

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Che Sampat
Hey everyone 👋 I'm super pleased (pun not intended) to announce the launch of SuperPortal 🎉 I built SuperPortal during a 24h shipathon challenge run by Enlite ( . I've spoken to dozens of people who use Stripe and it's actually quite a common scenario: they've just setup Stripe through a no-code platform and only after integrating do they realise there is no way for their customers to update their card details! SuperPortal fixes this problem by enabling you to simply add a link to your website/app and your customers just enter their email, we send them a magic ✨ login link and in a couple clicks they have visibility and access to the portal. Of course you have fine-grained access and can control what they can and can't do all directly from your Stripe dashboard. This is all possible with zero changes to your Stripe customers or subscriptions and can plug into any Stripe account in seconds. We don't store any data about your Stripe account (except the account ID) in our database and you're free to disconnect and leave at any time. This is still an "experimental" idea so we're launching the beta platform completely for free. I'd love to hear your feedback and if you have any questions send me an email to hello @ Or you can follow me on Twitter (
dave radparvar
@chek wow this is brilliant! Can users also manage their stripe shipping address?
Pratik Sampat
Great design and super effective 👌
Niaz Azad
UI looks great! Very slick well done mate 👏🏽
Che Sampat
@niaz_azad thanks! Would love to hear any feedback you have!
Gergely Varga
Love it! Everything. well done. :)
Che Sampat
@yuzumetrix thanks 😊
Aditya Anand
I was just about to start implementing all this in my SaaS! Is it possible to use this with a custom domain? (I'd rather not send customers outside to a strange link to do some very sensitive financial stuff)
Azucena FM.
Awesome job 😎
James Futhey
This is awesome!
Mary Jones
Super super helpful! You are right, as I looked at the instructions from Stripe I was so discouraged. I'm a little tech-savvy but I'm not a coder and didn't dare test all of their instructions. Thank you! Some thoughts: when a user logs in, there is a button that says "Access - Cus_gibberish." This will scare my normal users. Would it be possible to drop the customer identifier and simply say "Access Your Account"?
Oleg Fomenko
love that this starts with the real problem rather than an idea ... onwards and upwards, @chek !!!
Garrison Snelling
@chek in the screenshots I see "billing history" does a user get access to a receipt when they click that?
Che Sampat
@dev_gar yes and a downloadable invoice
Jack Smith
looks excellent
Taha ahmed khan
Wow thats great
Sanjit Sampat
Looks amazing! Can't wait to try it out!
Robbie Cargill
This looks great - Excited to try it out on a project I'm currently working on, might be a time saver!
Fajar Siddiq
Amazing product!
This is awesome, thank you! I am testing this..I agree with previous commenter "Access - Cus_gibberish" needs to be changed to "Access Your Account" ... Thanks!!
Jason Luntz
I really like this product as well. I am wondering is there any way I can edit my account? This is for a client and when I set it up I used my business name, which now shows up on the unique portal link page. I want to fix that. Also I agree Access - Cus_gibberish" needs to be changed to "Access Your Account". Thank!
Xtreme Websites
This is exactly what the Stripe community needed!! I am appaled to see Stripe doesn't offer this to it's millions of users by default. More people should know about this.
Jérémy Chevallier
Exactly what I’ve been hoping for the past 2 years!! Wish I’d done a little deeper research 😭 Set up was super simple & I’m looking forward to hearing what my customers think about it.
Bráulio Patrício
This is just brilliant!!! Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!!