Kevin William David

Supernova - Turn Sketch designs into native mobile apps in minutes

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I found this super awesome!! made my day. Thanks for hunting. This is going be a game changer if I m not wrong.
Jirka Třečák
@aroonuidesigner Thank you! We feel it is time to get back to roots of programming/designing, where it was about fun and creating stuff and not going back and forth with the team about one missing pixel here and there - this is really a primary motivation behind Supernova and what we've personally been struggling with the most.
@jirka_trecak Yes I just used this for one of my recent designs and it is working so awesome. It will save tons of time refining pixels at code level
Jirka Třečák
Hello Product Hunters and Huntresses! Thanks @kwdinc for hunting us! My Name is Jiri Trecak, Co-Founder and CEO of Supernova. We are incredibly excited to show what we've been working on for almost 2 years now. Supernova aims to bridge the gap between developers and designers by automating conversion of the Sketch mobile designs to the native mobile UI. Some of the most prominent features: * Conversion of design layers to native components * Automatic component styling * Creation of navigation chains * Automatic creation of responsive layouts * Automatic resource detection and export (no need for slices) * Full-fledged animation engine  * Export of the code, assets, project, fonts, UI for iOS, Android and (very soon) React Native projects as well * Inline component code generation * Dark / Light UI for those late-night sessions 💤 .. and many more Our goal is to automate the parts of everyday work of mobile designers and developers that are error-prone and not really that fun when you do it for the tenth time, so that everyone can focus on the fun and creative stuff. Medium article introducing Supernova: We've been in closed beta for many months but today we open it for everyone - simply sign up on our website to get your copy. Feel free to AMA and enjoy! Will be happy to answer any question you fire on me.
Christopher deCharms
@kwdinc @appsupernova @jirka_trecak Congratulations. Wonderful product. Look forward to seeing its evolution.
Woah! This is amazing. Can't wait to start using it! Great work!
Jirka Třečák
@3raxton Thank you for kind words, cannot wait for your feedback! Our intention was not only to make it for the developers (where it will save the most time) but also to give the designers tool where even they can feel like programmers - and bring the apps to life. Granted, you will not be able to create entire app (yet, ^^) in it because you still have to make "the guts", but we've noticed in private beta that for smaller teams, especially startups and such, designers were able to take on UI work quite easy and offload some work when the developers are short on time (as it usually happens in startups).
@jirka_trecak I see. It would most certainly be helpful in the startup scene. It will be a few weeks before I can start using it. Brilliant work, again!
Jirka Třečák
@3raxton not to worry though, automation to the rest of the stuff (building entire data model just by drag/dropping and providing backend URLs) and community made plugins to integrate with 3rd party services are coming in the near future - at that point, designers will definitely be able to do the app on their own :)
@jirka_trecak I'm ready to see how it all turns out. Any way I can stay updated on the process?
Jirka Třečák
@3raxton We will be sending newsletters (very occasional) once big milestone hits Supernova - to people that are subscribed in Public Beta
Lisa Dziuba
Cool! but how is your tool different from Qwikly (
Jirka Třečák
@lisadziuba Thanks for asking! The real difference is that we are not tied to Sketch, and also in the quality of project generated - supernova employs some cutting-edge predictive magic, say for resources, so it will create the resources for you - but not just layers, if you create an icon out of 10 shapes, it will be one icon. By importing it to Supernova, we optimize the design for mobile - removing redundant layers, fixing what could be broken etc., something that is not possible within Sketch itself. Also, Qwikly only supports iOS, Supernova supports iOS, Android and soon React Native as well. By doing it as native Mac app, we also have a real-time preview (you can check how it looks on whatever device), our own engine for layout (which is calculated automatically), you can do everything offline, you can also do animations - the list goes on. While the goal is I think somehow similar, it is a very different product in how we achieve the goal.
Jirka Třečák
@lisadziuba One important note - while we are only supporting Sketch now, we will be supporting more import platforms soon (looking at Figma, possibly Adobe UX). This, I think, makes the biggest difference of them all :)
Lisa Dziuba
@jirka_trecak thanks for answering! I like your tool and will share it over the Twitter and some iOS newsletters, where I contribute!
Jirka Třečák
@lisadziuba You are amazing! Thank you for the support. Here, have a coffee on us -> ☕
Dimo Trifonov
Wow this is dope and it actually works! Sadly symbols are not working but it's still amazing!
Jirka Třečák
@denull They are not? Wow, that is.. I personally coded support for those, and now I am ashamed.. :D It is quite possible that the last version of Sketch destroyed it. Would you mind joining our Slack, and giving me at least one screen with the symbols that are broken? I will fix it personally for you and deploy an update as soon as possible :) for your convenience: slack reg. link or just email me at jiri @ . Thank you so much!
Ethan Gromet
I hope this turns out to be the product we've all been waiting for 🙏
Jirka Třečák
@ethangromet We will definitely try to deliver just that <3
Maris Naylor
This is mind-blowing! Devoting a whole day to learning this! Where can I get a t-shirt? ;) (for real though...)
Jirka Třečák
@maris_naylor Hey, you know what? Send me an address and your size to jiri @ and I will send you the t-shirt when we make more of them - that is a promise (we do have some already but we did not expect that someone will want them already!)
Antoine Yng
Hi Jirka, so from what I understand based on the video, Supernova is a tool that automate (or at least tremendously ease) the integration phase. What about the back-end coding and dev? Does this remain manual and at the hand of the developer? Or can Supernova do the developer's job?
Jirka Třečák
@antoineone Hey Antoine, so you are right about the UI part - that is the primary goal of Supernova at the moment - to somehow automate the UI creation (it is very time consuming). Once we have that complete, we will move onto phase 2 -> automating the model / network part. This will allow people to drag & drop build entire data models without that much work really - and since the UI will be complete, you will be able to connect it with the data model. We have that part already in works and we are nearly sure it will be out before the beta ends. Last part is allowing third-parties to make plugins to extend the core functionality of Supernova using our design / data model, for example, to integrate whatever service you want simply by downloading the plugin / extension to Supernova (say, Google Analytics) Hope it makes sense now!
Sean Park-Ross
Makes me feel equal parts happy and pissed off because of how long this used to take.
Jirka Třečák
@separo The only reason why this is now on PH is that we got pissed off sooner. Hope you will find a good use for it!
Looks amazing. Looking forward to testing the react native support!
Jirka Třečák
@cridahtweets We will send you an email when it is ready! Looking forward to a feedback!
Manindra Majumdar
Great stuff, can we export in Cordova /ionic or react as well?
Jirka Třečák
@manindrax React Native is coming in next few weeks, we are testing it internally. We currently don't have plans for Ionic / Cordova, but the system is extensible enough that if a lot of people are interested in it, we can add it within very short timeframe (weeks)
Keeran Ravee
@manindrax @jirka_trecak Would be awesome if you could ionic/cordova, in recent years the hybrid developer community have managed to bring hybrid development as close as native application. I run a design agency based in Pondicherry, India most developers here and most parts of Asia to the best of knowledge adapt hybrid development because of the frameworks/language they already know, don't have to spend time learning native development both for ios and Android.
Steven Rueter
For prototyping this could be great
Jirka Třečák
@rueter Actually, our goal is not only to allow people to prototype in it (yes, for that, it is truly just clicking export button and we believe lot of people will use it like this - especially designers) but to also prepare the production UI as you would for a release app. Of course, not everyone will believe that it can truly replace the hand of the developer (tbh, if you would say this to me two years ago I would not either), but it can definitely help you get at least 80% complete production UI, still saving dozens or even hundreds of hours of time.
Nikolay Mihaylov
Simply LOVE THIS. I am a product guy with design in my heart and would love to see how this helps in the mobile app development cycle. Great job!
Jirka Třečák
@nick_mihaylov I think that it depends on what is your current status in the company. If you are a solo freelancer, it really means that you can make more in the same time, effectively making more money, or have time (for personal life?) If you are in a large company, I think it will be used more for prototyping on the designer side, with developers using the .snproject file that the designer creates. And then there are startups, when every single day saved can mean the difference between life and death. Just my 50c and little bit of experience from private beta, mileage may vary :)
Amos Gyamfi
Great documentation for a public beta. Very well done.
Jirka Třečák
@amos_gyamfi Thank you for the kind words
Leo Harsha
Awesome Product. Everything is pretty neat. Gonna use it for my future designs. All the best
Jirka Třečák
@leoharsha10 Looking forward to what you can create with it!
Great hunt!
Marek Dlugos
Congratz on amazing launch!
Jirka Třečák
@marekdlugos Thank you! Hope you will like it when you test it :)
Dre Durr💡
Dope Product 🚬🚬
It's super cool. I'm digging it.
Jirka Třečák
@treggify Thank you for your support! <3
David Dávila
Nice! Great idea!
Jirka Třečák
@daviladavid Thank you. It means a lot to us when people think positively about this.