Farbod Saraf

Super Creative Radio - Nonstop curated music for creative work


Listen to a curation of French touch vibes.
Add to your bookmarks or get the Spotify playlist.
Submit your tracks or artwork to share your creativity to the world.
And hey, it's built entirely with Webflow 🌈

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Ok, this is new... using Gumroad to charge for access to a curated Spotify playlist! Super creative!
Ben Issen
@chrismessina right! I don't think anyone's done this before. Sold about 15 playlists yesterday...
Ben Issen
Merci @farbodsaraf for the hunt. I'm back this month with a fun project. I laid out, designed and implemented the radio in 4 days using Webflow. Webflow is a creative canvas with infinite possibilities. I wrote a dozen lines of JQuery for the custom buttons at the bottom left. The stats so far show me there'll only be two types of users: those who think it's cool and leave. And superfans. Superfans who will come back every day to listen to the radio for 3 hours. Yepeee! Come on and boogie with me 🕺 This web radio scales my musical tastes and curation to more people, not just my friends. Hosting a live radio has a small cost, and making the Spotify/Youtube/Deezer playlists paid access is enough to keep the Supercreative Radio alive. I'll be answering your questions on here and: Twitter throughout the day. Bisous!
David Lo Dico
Love it already! Great collection Ben!
Ben Issen
@david_dico Hey, thank you!
Fei Yao
I feel more creative already.
Ben Issen
@feiyyao haha yesss
Alberto Arenaza
This video and *TUNES* are making my day and getting me on a productive groove. Super cool product Ben!
Ben Issen
@albertoarenaza Thanks Alberto. Your reputation as a masterful DJ is bigger than any of this 😄
Pierre VDK
I've been listening to the radio all day long for the last 14 days, I'm in love with it! Ben is adding new songs every once in a while, and he as really good music taste. Go give it a try!
Ben Issen
@pierrevdk Thanks Pierre for your infallible support, miss you man
Eva Shalenko
Hah) I was trying to find something like that) thanks!!
Ben Issen
@evgeniya_shalenko Oh I'm glad then
Olivier Martin
Wow! This is really awesome! I love the minimalism and impressive UI. There is no confusion on how to use. One click and you start listening! 
Already switched to Supercreative radio from YouTube, so thanks! 🤗 Any plans for a mobile app btw?
Ben Issen
@olivier_martin1 Thanks bb. The website is responsive and when you leave the browser app, the music continues playing. So I don't see the need for an app :)
It's simple. I have 2 pinned tab on my Chrome. Notion & The (Awesome) Supercreative Radio. Go Go Go !
Ben Issen
@theo_roland1 Will add many more songs soon Théo! Thanks for your ongoing support <3
Well done @bissenmann , I listed it on https://undesign.learn.uno/ I am very impressed that you did it without code!
Ben Issen
@bissenmann @sandochee Webflow all the way 🌈 Thanks for posting on Undesign <3
Alexandre Durand-Chabert
A playlist sooooo nice. I just bought the entire pack few minutes after listening the radio.
Ben Issen
@durandchabert Thanks Alexandre, that's really nice of you
Robin Vander Heyden
Good stuff and tunes!
Ben Issen
@vinrob Thanks Robin <3 Your journey is an inspiration for me
Simo Elalj
Pretty cool design! Well done :)
Ben Issen
@simoelalj Thanks Simo <3
Irina Anisina
Wow! I like it!
Ben Issen
Ayanah Ramos
Ben Issen
@ayanah_ramos THANK YOU
malak smallwonder
ok what i going do
Steph Nass
Love the concept! will try right now :)
Ben Issen
@stephnass Let me know if you'd improve anything :)
Tomas Laurinavicius
Good stuff Ben! 🎧
Ayanah Ramos
it great
Jérémy Chevallier
C’est la prochaine FIP?? 😜 je vais écouter aujourd’hui sur l’ordi, ca n’a pas l’air de marcher sur mobile. Mais comment tu fais pour diffuser en directe ? J’aimerais bcp faire pareille