Super Deluxe's Punch-A-Nazi!!
Connect your phone to your computer and punch 8-bit nazis
Andrew Watts
Scamoji by Super Deluxe — An iconic keyboard from internet celeb Joanne the Scammer
Andrew Watts
Hi Hunters! Scamoji is an emoji keyboard from Super Deluxe that features internet celebrity Joanne the Scammer. We've included over 100 gifs, emoji, and pictures that will send the message loud and clear to your friends that you are living your best life. Joanne has over 2 million followers across all of her social media networks, so we felt that it was only fitting that everyone could take her iconic scamming everywhere. Enjoy! Feel free to comment any scams you're able to pull off because of this keyboard. Honestly. Truly.
Emmanuel B. Lepage
I'm biaised, totally, absolutly, lovin' it :)