Justin Higgins

Sup - Share sounds on your friend's phone, even when it‘s locked

Record and share audio clips that play on your friends phone, even when their screen is locked. Conversation is more than text. Speak, be heard, say it out loud.

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Justin Higgins
Hey PH! Remember when your phone wasn't such a burden? Sup brings back that joy. We made Sup because we love the fun internet. It works like this: * Pick up your phone and record something * Choose which of your friends to send it to * They will hear your recording play automatically, even when their phone is locked. You can also publish your sounds for others to send and interact with. Would love to hear your thoughts (either here or on Sup!) Hear what's up...download Sup!
Justin Higgins
BTW, we made an in-app soundboard for the World Cup. Remind your friends why they chose the wrong team! 😜 ⚽️ https://twitter.com/justinprojec...
Rhymer Espinosa
@yupyup This is so cool. Congrats on the launch. Bravo!
Justin Higgins
@rimer_carlyle_espinosa Glad you think so and thanks for your...SUPport! ...I promise, I'll keep the Sup puns to a minimum today
Justin Higgins
@simonda1ey thanks Simon, you're awesome!
Justin Higgins
@mary_joy_maquiling Awesome! We're excited to have y'all Sup
Awee Gee
Love this!Congrats on your launch@yupyup
Justin Higgins
@audrey_galeon thank you! Send our team a Sup if you create an account!
Ryan Hoover
Be careful who you friend on this app. I have many "very mature" friends that totally won't make my phone fart.
Albert Berk Toledo
Albert Berk Toledo
We will soon have more fine tuning to make sure only those that you approve can make your phone fart 💨
Billy Chasen
@rrhoover For better or worse, we still respect the mute switch toggle, so your phone won't do anything too crazy in a meeting :D
Farisa Ottaviano
@yupyup Time to get talkin'! 🗣️Congratulations on your launch
Cem Kozinoglu
This is dope @billychasen & team sup!
Billy Chasen
@cemkozinoglu Thanks Cem!
Rich Watson
congrats on the launch !
Albert Berk Toledo
@richw Thank you!
Yucel F. Sahan
I loved the UI!
Justin Higgins
@yucelfaruksahan thanks Yucel! only the finest from @charles_haggas #CharlesInCharge
that's wassup
Miriam Dorsett
I love using Sup! It's great to get messages from people at random times and it's fun to use!
Billy Chasen
@miriamdorsett Thanks Miriam!
Justin Higgins
thanks @miriamdorsett ! so glad you're enjoying it!
Hua Shu
Congrats Justin!! Looks awesome!!
Justin Higgins
@huashu thanks Hua! if it's got the Hua-stamp of visual approval, then we've already won the day! 🏆
Puneet Kohli
Reminds me a lot of "YO" app which came out a couple years ago. I feel the lock-screen sounds will be a great gimmick for a while (and most people will either delete the app or disable the notification longer term). However, the real value in the app IMO is the audio-based "social network" which we've seen is desirable (thanks to Clubhouse / Spaces) and this format is another play in the space. Good luck!
Justin Higgins
great points, @puneet_kohli and thank you! we agree that sounded-notifications might not be for everyone and believe there is a solid community to be built around audio-based messaging. there are many forms that might take. one of our focuses in the coming months: continue to grow the network into a place that's fun for people to share "their sound" creatively. Voice, music, sound effects, memes, conversations, you name it! thanks again for your feedback! 🏆
Koen Everaert
Hi @yupyup , I'd love to try out Sup, but it seems the app isn't available for my device (OnePlus 6T, Belgium). Am I missing something? Would love to try out!
Albert Berk Toledo
@yupyup @at_koen You are correct, it will be available soon and we will let you know!
Hammad Nasir
not available in India
Albert Berk Toledo
@hammadnasir it's coming soon!
Justin Higgins
@hammadnasir @toledoalbert Thanks for your patience, Hammad! We're live on Android now! https://play.google.com/store/ap...
Porush Puri
Loved the idea! Looks super interesting, congratulations on the launch!
Justin Higgins
thank you, @porush_puri! 🙌
pretty nice! arent there restrictions from apple? Can think that they dont like that? However, cool product!
Marco Lau
Good idea for couples to interact and communicate.🚀 But to be honest, how to keep the private moment not been known by others anytime?
this is hilarious. i remember using an app where you did this with a photo! It updated the contact card or something. Apple quickly put the kibash on the app. What are the chances you think Apple doesn't want to allow this and cuts your app's capabilities?
Davor Kolenc
I see some potential use cases in tablet roleplaying games for this xD Good luck :)
Evan Lee
good work
MJ Maquiling
This is great @yupyup Congrats on the launch!