Jocelyn Stradiotto

Sun Chaser - The first alcohol-free drink designed to give you a buzz

Ready for the first alcohol-free drink designed to give you a buzz? ☀️ Sun Chaser is the first mocktail-in-a-can that allows you to take the edge off. Flavored with all natural fruit juices. Just 60 Cals. Alcohol-Free. Caffeine-Free.
*Hangover Not Included.

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“Gives you a buzz”? Excuse me for asking but if You’re wanting me to put something in my body that’s going to “give me a buzz” you had better be super transparent about what exact chemicals are involved. Care to divulge?
Nellie Coffy
@mickc79 Hi Mick! Thanks for your question. Our "buzz" comes from four naturally-occurring nootropic supplements, each of which can be found in the supplement aisle of your local grocery store: L-Theanine, GABA, Cordyceps and 5-HTP. L-Theanine is a common extract found in green tea that relaxes the mind without drowsiness. GABA is an amino acid produced naturally in the brain known for its anti-anxiety properties. Cordyceps is a mushroom that reduces stress and fatigue. 5-HTP is an amino acid known to improve mood. Together these supplements produce a light and uplifting buzz. No alcohol necessary. Would highly recommend you check out our website, which gives a detailed breakdown of the above.
Sabastian Auth
@mickc79 @nellie_coffy Don't mind him. He expects people to just do the research for him. Weird that all he had to do was click a single button in this case..
Rogue London
I don't know the sun chaser team and I am based in Australia so the product is not available to me but I will say that this thread is such a disappointment. The Product Hunt presence and community is an amazing way to start my day. I love seeing people from all over the world solve problems to suit all levels of Maslow's hierarchy. I no longer drink myself but do have ADD and would love an alternative treat every once an while that gives some calm and a little buzz to enjoy the end of a day or day out. I am a grown ass adult and what I put down my throat is my responsibility. I apologise to the Sun Chaser team in advance because I am usually tight lipped with my opinions but it seems some small minded village that lacks the critical thinking skills to engage in a meaningful and curious way around your product didn't get the memo. The questions and commentary from the Product Hunt community is just outright childish and disappointing in the case of Sun Chaser. None of you that made criticism could be bothered to click ONE button to a well documented website. How do you think this reflects on you? None of you have the expertise to back any of the claims you are making re salt, supplement causation or the like. So why run with your ego and ask unsubstantiated questions or make commentary? @michael_andreuzza : Where on there website or in any claim did they say: "You make think you are saving the world but you ain't." - Honestly mate. The rest of the comments were thoughtless. Honestly: " I feel kinda annoyed that the premise is that you can't have a good time without a chemical "buzz". Alcohol has never passed my lips and I'm a grown man who has had plenty of good times without any artificially induced phenomena". The Sun Chaser brand has never stated that you can't have a good time without a buzz or without alcohol. They are a lifestyle option. Be proud of your chemical abstinence but don't expect others to follow suit. Open your mind to the way others live. Did you ever consider that Sun Chaser could be the next step down for a tempted alcoholic trying to make a change? Or a money conscious extravert who drinks a little too much who cant bring themselves to make a radical change but is happy to step down from a $16 cocktail at a bar and buy a $6.25 drink and enjoy their company of their friends? Did you? At what point did this product ever have to serve you? There is a whole world out there mate. I for one am proud of anyone who is willing to make any change, big or small, that benefits their health. @mickc79 : You could not be bothered to click through to a well documented site to validate or clarify any of your questions or concerns? It is clearly not a product to your liking so... the other comments were just silly and did't provide the community or the brand any constructive value. @shloky - That's why they have a website. Click the button. @surfinzap Spectral analysis of Himalayan salt is an open study and the modern diet usually consumes 4-5x of the recommended salt without question. Interesting that the minority ingredient was your focus when you clearly do not approve of the product. I am unsure if your sensitivity to salt in products is because you are from the Czech republic and they are third biggest consumers of salt in Europe? I was blessed to have family from Prague and their phenomenal imported cured meats and traditional recipes left me thirsty. So if you are aware that salt in your countries national diet is an issue then advocate BUT don't assume the intentions of the ingredients of a brand you do not know is out to elevate sales. @ryan_haft1 Is it? You tell us? A disruptive pointless question that does nothing for the community. @bluebirdanthorn Amber, Did you even click one button to realise the disclaimers? I get it, I have on two medications that have strict interaction warnings but it is first and foremost our responsibility as consumers to make a wise and informed decision. They did their due diligence and published it publicly. They make no medical, nutritional or therapeutic claims that breach the federal TGA regulations or the FDA's. @zenseb Honestly, if the product is not for you and your reductionist approach to commerce is what helps then fine, but your comment only helps yourself. Spending your hard earned money means making informed decisions. Let everyone do that for themselves. It is called being an adult. @zanderseo A great question that supports the culture of PH. The above didn't get the memo. @nava_niki_tamjidi : Your comment is exactly what this community is all about. @luchancock, @casey_herger, @brandon_devnich @mikeattack @zachgripenstraw <<< Supportive part of the community. Thank you. @ryan_haft1 Is it? You tell us? A disruptive pointless question that does nothing for the community. To @nellie_coffy and @joce_strad - Again, I apologise for the above but those who took their time to craft pointless questions, make unfounded claims and contribute ZERO to a new brands beginnings is just unacceptable. I hope my responses have not damaged your brands presence in the Product Hunt community in anyway but enough is enough. You both responded with such poise and humility. I wish you all the best with Sun Chaser and beyond. If you do make it to Australia I will be sure to give it a go...And yes I have put me email on the list. And to @rrhoover - I don't believe in censoring but surely there is a way to filter such nuisance chatter out of such an amazing community??
Nellie Coffy
@iamroguelondon Thank you so much for your support. You hit the nail on the head. Our business philosophy is to focus on positivity and to create products that truly allow people to live their best lives, however they choose to do so. Our long-term goal is to further educate and provide an avenue for leading researchers to couple their work with great products. We know this is not the last word on these supplements, and we've planned to invest capital and resources into further R&D. We’re excited to continue this work and answer any further questions the Product Hunt community may have. Thank you again for your support! -Joce & Nellie
Rogue London
@nellie_coffy That sounds awesome. I think in such a world of saturated choice it is a critical business decision to both pursue and invest in sound scientific discovery. I truly wish you all the best.
@michael_andreuzza @shloky @surfinzap @ryan_haft1 @bluebirdanthorn @zenseb @zanderseo @nava_niki_tamjidi @luchancock @casey_herger @brandon_devnich @mikeattack @zachgripenstraw @nellie_coffy @joce_strad @rrhoover @iamroguelondon Rogue London - You do understand that what you just said is "if you have differing opinion, or critique, then don't post it here", right? The fact that there was so much negativity / critique / questioning around this product is valuable feedback for the makers that they aren't pitching it well enough. This is a positive thing for people who are releasing a product into the world. Also, we are all entitled to our opinions and our voice. I think your post is pretty outrageous. "I don't believe in censoring... BUT"
Rogue London
Asking you to be constructive is not censoring mate. Unsure where you are sourcing your definitions. Also, unsure if anyone has told you this before but you have a knack for putting words in others mouth: " Rogue London - You do understand that what you just said is "if you have differing opinion, or critique, then don't post it here", right?". If that is your sentiment then I encourage you to seek growth in your critical thinking skills. I encourage all to have an opinion and a critique... those shades of the world provide unique insight BUT to add value it must be done to seek not to state, to be curious with relevance not to bloat a feed. If people felt less entitled to their opinions and more passionate about contributing constructively the world would be a better place. Don't you think? Note: I won't be responding any further @mickc79 as I have demonstrated my point clearly, as have you.
Amber Roberts
They really need a disclaimer to say that you can't take this drink if you're on medication ie anti depressants due to 5-HTP as one of the ingredients. 5-HTP Increases the serotonin in your brain and should be avoided if you're already taking medication for depression or anxiety.
Nellie Coffy
@bluebirdanthorn Hi Amber! Thanks for your question. You can find our disclaimer on our FAQ page. Copied it below for you as well. Consult your doctor before consuming if you are breastfeeding, pregnant, or may become pregnant; have a medical condition, including but not limited to GI disorders, heart disease, or hypertension; taking any medication including but not limited to antidepressants, MAO inhibitors, blood thinners, or SSRIs. Do not consume with alcohol. May cause drowsiness, so do not consume when driving or operating heavy equipment.
@bluebirdanthorn @nellie_coffy Because everyone who picks up a soda goes to the website and reads the FAQ.
Nellie Coffy
@bluebirdanthorn @mickc79 Good feedback Mick! We've made sure that our disclaimer is clearly visible on all of our packaging. Would love any suggestions you have to make it even more clear :)
Desmond Popkowski
@bluebirdanthorn @mickc79 @nellie_coffy @michael_andreuzza are you keeping Coca-Cola to the same standards? It also can't be drank by everyone, yet I don't see you picketing the CCC.
Jocelyn Stradiotto
Hey Product Hunt! Joce from Sun Chaser here. After a year of hard work, we're excited to share Sun Chaser with you and your tribe. This is the first alcohol-free, caffeine-free drink that actually gives you a buzz. We couldn't find anything in stores that gave us the best of both worlds, our health and a good buzz, so we made one. Sun Chaser is a ready-to-drink alcohol-alternative, which makes it great for an endless number of use cases. Indoor/ outdoor, daytime/nighttime. Bring to the park, pre-game, or party. Whatever floats your boat. Our "buzz" comes from four naturally-occurring nootropic supplements, each of which can be found in the supplement aisle of your local grocery store: L-Theanine, GABA, Cordyceps and 5-HTP. To learn more please visit our FAQ page. We made Sun Chaser for anyone who wants to enjoy the best a good buzz offers without sacrificing their health in exchange. Curious? Learn more at
Shlok Vaidya
@joce_strad Soooo... what's in it?
Nellie Coffy
@shloky We've combined our proprietary blend of supplements with delicious fruit juices for a carbonated, ready-to-drink, alcohol alternative. Together these supplements produce a light and uplifting buzz. No alcohol necessary. Check out our website to learn more!
Nellie Coffy
@shloky @michael_andreuzza Here’s our full ingredient list for your reference. Again you can also find this information on our website. Carbonated Filtered Water, Apple Juice Concentrate, Red Tart Cherry Concentrate, Lime Juice, Lemon Juice Concentrate, GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid), Cordyceps Extract (Cordyceps sinensis), Citric Acid, L-Theanine, 5-HTP (Griffonia simplicifolia), Natural Mint Flavor , Himalayan Sea Salt
Devin Zander
How do you guys compare/differ from Kin?
Jocelyn Stradiotto
@zanderseo Hey Devin! Great question. Here are the ways we are different than Kin, and the ways we are similar. The differences are many! First, flavor. Our flavor has a hint of mint, notes of citrus, and a tart sweetness. Second is size. We offer a standard serving of each component in our 12oz can. Kin offers what appears to be smaller proportions of a serving in 4oz cans, at the same cost as our 12oz cans. Third is audience. Sun Chaser applies more to the youthful, rebellious, hype, and outdoor/indoor audience. Fourth and most importantly is the buzz. We intentionally designed Sun Chaser to offer a buzz-like feeling, while Kin offers 'Bliss without booze'. We designed Sun Chaser to solve our own problem: how could we enjoy the best a good buzz offers tonight and still have our health to do the things we love tomorrow. Candidly, when we first set out to solve this problem, we were not aware of Kin. After trying Kin, it further confirmed that the problem we were aiming to solve had not been solved, which is why we are excited to share Sun Chaser with you and anyone who's curious to learn more. The key similarity is that both products use supplements to create an alcohol-alternative. I think we both see that there is much to gain by drinking less, and that in doing so we should still be able to enjoy a fun, delicious, and shareable drink. If you've tried Kin, we encourage you to pre-order Sun Chaser and experience the differences for yourself 🙂
Braňo Šandala
Himalayan sea salt (as one of the ingredients) is a nice euphemism to say there is a salt that would make you feel dehydrated and crave for another drink.
Jocelyn Stradiotto
@surfinzap Hey Brano! We added salt for two reasons. First, salt has a wonderful ability to bring out and tie together flavors. Second, the amount of salt in Sun Chaser is so small it will not cause dehydration. In fact, salt in small quantities does the exact opposite, and acts as an electrolyte. If you are looking for a lot of salt + dehydration, then a salt rimmed margarita will definitely do the trick. But why do that when you can just grab a Sun Chaser 😉
Congrats on the preorder launch @joce_strad @nellie_coffy! I get really bad hangovers no matter how much water I drink before going to bed. I can't wait to try the new buzz! ☀️🎉
Nellie Coffy
@joce_strad @zachgripenstraw Thanks, Zach! So excited to share Sun Chaser with you and your friends ☀️
Sebastian Garcia
$11 for l-theanine, gaba, cordyceps and 5-HTP in a can.... Who is this for? The cost of a 4-pack gets you 100 doses of these widely available supplements.
Nellie Coffy
@zenseb Hey Sebastian! Two answers to your two-part question there. (1) We made Sun Chaser for health-focused consumers who are tired of having to trade their health in exchange for a good time. For those who want to engage deeply in their social lives tonight and chase their passions tomorrow morning. (2) In terms of price, Sun Chaser is $6.25 for a 12 oz can, comparable to a high-end beer or kombucha. The key drivers of our price include the best quality supplements on the market, our natural fruit juices and packaging. The end result being a convenient, ready-to-drink alcohol alternative for folks who are looking for an easy, refreshing way to enjoy this alcohol-free buzz. That being said, if Sun Chaser falls outside of your price range, we encourage you to explore the world of these supplements on your own and develop a combination that works for you!
Nava Niki Tamjidi
What an innovative product! Super excited to try it and welcome it into the product market!
Nellie Coffy
@nava_niki_tamjidi Thanks so much for the support Nava! So excited to share Sun Chaser with you and your friends!
Mxddie Nelson
@nava_niki_tamjidi @nellie_coffy THIS DRINK SERIOUSLY TASTES SO BAD!!!! DO NOT BUY IT IS NOT WORTH THE MONEY IT TASTES LIKE LITERAL STOMACH ACID AFTER YOU PUKE !!!! Not trying to be rude but I could not even finish the can you see if it worked because the taste was making me gag!
Mikhail Iailoian
Hi, good idea :) Sometimes people choose alcohol-free drink because of they need to drive after party, can I drive the car after this drink? It's more interesting to me from the side of my condition than the law.
Nellie Coffy
@misha_n1 Hi Mikhail! Great (and important) question! Because Sun Chaser does produce the a buzz-like feeling, especially when properly taken to produce the most effective buzz, we do not recommend that you drive or operate heavy machinery immediately after consuming.
Mike'l Gregory
This looks so cool! And it gives a buzz! I'm pre-ordering NEOWW!
Nellie Coffy
@mikeattack Thanks for the support Mike! Can't wait for you to try Sun Chaser :)
Brandon Devnich
Would love to try but doesn't look like you ship to Canada yet.
Nellie Coffy
@brandon_devnich Hey Brandon! Hoping to get Sun Chaser to Canada soon :) To stay in the loop, would recommend you join our mailing list or check us out on IG.
Casey Herger
I can't wait to try it! My under 21 self is so excited to FEEL THE BUZZ!
Luc Hancock
Would love to give this a go! Are you available in France?
Nellie Coffy
@luchancock Hey Luc! Would love for you to give Sun Chaser a try. Similar to Brandon's question above, we're hoping to expand to Europe some time in the near-to-midterm future :) To stay in the loop, would recommend you join our mailing list or check us out on IG.
Michael Andreuzza
Personally, I would treat this as an alcoholic/psychotropic substance drink. Why? The problem is the effect that alcohol produces. Examples. Smoking cigarettes has not notables secondary effects on the way you perceive reality, If I eat many doughnuts they make me "fugly", but because I am still living in reality is not forbidden or regulated. You make think you are saving the world but you ain't. Buying a drink to just get drunk... L-Theanine can cause headaches,nausea and make you irritated...just saying. Gaba gives you a depress mood, nause...and more. And a big etc,...
Göran Svensson
Go for a run instead and you will get your own free buzz!
Satish Gaire
Good concept, people should be careful before drinking this. Although these ingredients are found on your grocery aisle, you don't know how it will interact with an individual. How will it interact with medications people are taking? ---- Now, If I was a founder of this company, Here are few things i would do: - Add some sort of TOS/Privacy and a disclaimer - Add video testimonials - Order Third-party testing on the drink and publish report publicly - Market it using Influencers - Leverage veterans with PTSD to create better appeal - I am not sure if i agree with Name, but it's fine etc... There is more but that's just top of my head. I would love to learn & discuss more.
Jocelyn Stradiotto
@satishgaire Thanks for the thoughtful feedback! Regarding Videos & Testing: Video testimonials are on the way! So it third-party testing. Being in the startup world, we would love to have everything done in one week, but these crucial aspects take time and resources to develop. Stay tuned :) Regarding safety & medical consultation: We always recommend someone consult their doctor before consuming if you are breastfeeding, pregnant, or may become pregnant; have a medical condition, including but not limited to GI disorders, heart disease, or hypertension; taking any medication including but not limited to antidepressants, MAO inhibitors, blood thinners, or SSRIs. Do not consume with alcohol. May cause drowsiness, so do not consume when driving or operating heavy equipment. More information is available at our FAQ page: We love hearing your feedback and marketing ideas!
Michael Gangnath
How is this different from Kin? Did you explore using Beta-Alinine or other doping agents for specialty needs/wants of consumers? I like the idea, take a look at the doped beverages in Nordic Markets; to me they've been ahead the curve when it comes to market demand for specialty beverages and could be helpful.
Ryan Haft
Isn't cordyceps the fungus that turns ants into zombies?
I feel like it looks like I'm picking on this product, but I'm not. However I feel kinda annoyed that the premise is that you can't have a good time without a chemical "buzz". Alcohol has never passed my lips and I'm a grown man who has had plenty of good times without any artificially induced phenomena.