Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Google Analytics by SumoMe - The easiest way to see your Google Analytics

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Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
Great new addition to the suite of SumoMe tools by @noahkagan & his crew - they are on 🔥🔥🔥!
Simon Cave
@bramk love sumome! I use it everyday. Thanks for sharing Bram ;)
Ihor Stefurak
Awesome. I think it's the best Hunt this week
noah kagan
@druh_opryshok You say that to all the hunts. :blush:
Ryan Brink
Love the gif that plays after you hook it up, nice touch! Overall a great, clean implementation by @noahkagan and his team. 👍👍
noah kagan
@ry_brink Thanks brother. This was made by @joshtronic on our team. Mind-blown :)
Richard Patey
sumome me is the new jetpack, should be installed by any good host automatically :)
noah kagan
@richardpatey You are a great dude.
Walter Chen
really smart way of making your analytics more top of mind and accessible. great stuff.
noah kagan
@smalter Oh, you say that to all the websites Walter =P The tool has been REALLY helpful seeing on page analytics for ourselves, including today's launch.
keren phillips
This looks awesome guys - the perfect antidote to the hours lost in GA rabbit-holes. Can't wait to check it out!
Matt Ragland
@kerenyp that was one of the biggest pain points to solve. Getting people their primary data without getting lost in the panes and windows of GA. Glad you like it!
Michael Taylor
The thing I like about this is the serendipity - 'oh I had no idea that page got so much traffic... I need to fix this and this...'
Tom Masiero
@noahkagan such a smart way to address this problem.
Andrea Grassi
as usual @noahkagan deliver super-useful tools :) Great work man! Thumbs up for all the team!
noah kagan
@andrea_sdl Thanks for the love. Feedback like that is what motivates us!
Andrea Grassi
@noahkagan I wonder if you have any plan to go mobile too, it seems that many of the features you now offer might be a great starting point for a ios/android app to "check" the conversion of your website. What's you're take on that? Is it too early or useless right now? I'm curious.
Esteban Aravena
I gotta start using this!
noah kagan
@esbvn Yes you do =P
Skyler Hair
This was one of those, "How was this not already a thing" ideas. Great stuff Noah.
Anuj Adhiya
As with anything by @noahkagan, this is a #nobrainer
noah kagan
@anujadhiya You rock AA =)
Yaniv Goldenberg
Super-useful tool! quick,easy & efficient. @noahkagan delivers once again.
noah kagan
@yanivgoldenberg Thanks mate. It was ALL @joshtronic =)
Stephen Snyder
This is awesome! Love the idea of being able to see analytics while I'm on the page.
Great job....again!!! :D
Virginia Barnett
@joshtronic you make gold. Could you use analytics to see areas to accelerate learning?
Brad Mills
Looking forward to trying this out on our facebook games