I've spoken a ton with @golojap and @nathlays about Tylio (we met in Montréal earlier this year), and tested it out while it's been in beta. Super interesting way to share content with people, without having to share files. It's like storytelling with your content, but without the effort.
@jakeapeters Thank you for all the discussions we've had since our first meeting in Montreal. Your comments/insights have always been a great source of improvement for Tylio. Much appreciated :)
@jakeapeters@nathlays Thanks Jake ! Just want to clarify something ... we are still in Beta, hey ;-) ... a ton more cool FREE and PAID features are coming this summer. Our AI embryo tech is getting better everyday, but still many bugs, and a lot of room for enhancements ... so we really want as much feedback as possible from the community with what we have today.
@kkkosariya Thanks! Custom urls will definitely be one of our next features. Been asked from a lot of users already, we'll make it happen as soon as we can :)
If we don't deserve your upvote, please tell us why here! We want to know, and we can take it ... so don't be shy. ;-)
Hey Everyone,
Our platform provides a new way for consumers and businesses to communicate and express themselves with stunning one-pagers designed, built and published in seconds from the content they drop. In our eyes, the process of publishing content on the Web hasn't changed a bit for the past 2 decades. 1) select template or style 2) place content in the boxes 3) good luck, and if it doesn't work, start over. It's time for a change.
Our mission is to build AI-powered technology to simplify and automate the process of publishing Web pages. We aim for the simplicity and speed of social network, with the power and beauty of HTML, at a fraction of legacy costs. Simple as a tweet/pin, rich as a WordPress … we call them “tyls”.
Our vision … our dream really ... is a world where contextualized Web publishing truly is accessible to all, capable of relaying and capturing human emotions through media-rich online experiences.
The road is obviously going to be long, but it starts today, with your help and feedback … so looking forward to talk/chat with you !
Anyone can tyl.
@mikaelpittam Hi Jason, it's really a TOP priority for us. The team is going to work on that next week and we hope to delivery in PROD before the end of the month.
I had the chance to be really close to the Tylio team and I followed up their project from the beginning with the private BETA. They're doing an awesome job and now you can easily create a web page in less than a minute. Awesome features are coming and you should take a look at the paltform!
@craigfifield@nathlays hey craig ... just to let you know that little bug you reported via the chat support on the upload of files ... well, it's fixed :-D ... should be in PROD within the next 30 minutes
Remagine AI
ListingPro WP
Thanks to Tylio, my website is performing better on Google.
Pros:Super easy to use and extremely efficient.