@fzf Although this is a prettier site, I prefer how getcreditcardnumbers shows me 20 numbers as soon as I land on their site. Here I have to click 3 times just to get a single number. And if that number doesn't work, I have to start all over. This site would benefit from showing 5 numbers from each provider upfront and a simple "Refresh for more" button.
@fzf@imjasonli I've recently discovered the best version of credit card generator tool. Just check it out guys and use the best features of the site. https://www.vccgenerator.com
I used to work in a web design agency and it was sometimes a pain to test the payment gateways of ecommerce sites we were building. This little tool takes care of that for you!
@ralphmartynward any CVV will pass client side validation but will fail at the banks end. If I can get the CVV to work I ...
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