@robjama Software is tricky on Kickstarter. With hardware, the upfront costs (machining, etc.) are easy to define, so the story is easier to tell. With software, the main cost is time (ie. your salary), so it's a harder thing to frame correctly on Kickstarter. I also think, speaking generally, people tend to undervalue what it takes to make a quality software product. I remember getting a few tweets from people who were aghast at the $10k funding goal for Simple Bracket, even though that cost was *way* below the labor we had already put it to it.
I've been creating several slow-mo Mindies since I picked up my new iPhone 6 last week. Like photo filters, slow motion can make mundane videos far more interesting. Downloading this now.
Cool app from the guys at Studio Neat. Slow Fast Slow is now free.
@danprovost wrote an interesting blog post about their move to a freemium model that uses the app to sell their physical products, instead of IAPs.
Studio Neat
Studio Neat
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