Jakub Rož

Strike.market - Alternative data for every stock investor

Strike.market is a stock research website full of next-level stock analysis with fundamental & alternative data. We monitor data like website traffic, patents, Google Trends, Share of Search, mobile apps ranking, and much more.

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Jakub Rož
Hi Hunters! I'm a stock investor as well as a tech guy building online products for a long time. Because of my tech background, I've been using much more data for my investment decisions than other investors, especially retail ones. I mainly focus on data like how many visits a company website has got, how its mobile apps have moved up or down in the App Store, Google Trends, Share of Search of its brand name or products, etc. If you want to have such a research of around 20 companies every week, it is very time-consuming. Therefore, I have decided to automate the process of searching for this alternative data and provide the data to all investors for free. What strike.market offers? - Financial statements - Website traffic - Google Trends - Mobile app ranks - Share of Search - Patents - Job positions & employee tracking - Insider Trading Website: https://strike.market
Petr Kovacik
I simply love it! So much time saved on googling each title 💪 keep doing @jakubroz
Jakub Rož
@petrkovacik Thank you for your support!
Lukas Stibor
Really cool project! Good Luck @jakubroz
Jakub Rož
@lukasstibor Thank you Lukas!
Lenka Schanova
Thx for this excellent opportunity! Love being part of this great project.
Michal Langmajer
Looks great @jakubroz. Good job! Added it to my Trading Bookmarks Folder and will use it. 🤙
Marek Kriz
Good luck with the project! I'll be a power user for sure ))
Alexander Harmsen
do you offer API access for your data as well?
Jakub Rož
@alexharmsen No, not now.
Kovalevskyi Andrey
Hi ?makers. Congrats on the launch! I'am sure that investing based on alternative data it's a blue ocean. We are building related product in Streetbeat com. Let's collaborate. We develop investing app that helps make informed investment decisions based on exclusive real-world data and machine learning algorithms. We analyze data previously available to hedge funds and Wall Street's TOP performers such as real-time credit card transactions, mobile application usage, mobile GPS and foot traffic, social sentiment. Our goal is common. BTW you have nice design. Love it. Good luck to you!
Gemme van Hasselt
Would it be possible to also add Trading Volume (D/M/Y/Period)? (or maybe it's already there and I missed it :)
Sarthak Solanki